Huldra Forsvant (Theodor Kittelsen)

Huldra Forsvant (Theodor Kittelsen)
Huldra Forsvant (Theodor Kittelsen)

Sunday, May 4, 2008

Gable Window, Dulwich Hill

Gable Window, Dulwich Hill (2008)
25x 20cm, Oil on canvas

It has been a while since I did a painting, so I went out this afternoon. I was at a kids' birthday party yesterday at a park, and noticed this house, so I went back there today and painted it. It felt great to be out in the beautiful day, and to be doing something productive. At first I wasn't happy with the painting, but it's grown on me.

Painter's Tip: If ever you want to speed up your painting process, and be fast and spontaneous, drink a massive glass of water beforehand, and paint in a park with no public toilets. I was needing to go even before I started painting, but I tell you, after that hour and a half, I was a nervous wreck; a vessel full to overflowing. I threw the gear in the car and sped home like a man possessed. As close a call as I can remember in recent times.


trish said...

It's a great painting, Ben. Can totally tell that you're influenced by your Clarice Beckitt as well.

Ben McLaughlin said...

Thankyou Trish-- that is a big compliment!

Pedro said...

she said influenced not comparable!!!!...
Nice work, cuz. Nice. I'll be purchasing one of you soon if you keep this up. Ever considered stuff near the water?

Ben McLaughlin said...

what if I don't keep it up? what then?

Water doesn't stay still long enough for me to paint it.

Anonymous said...

It's lovely Ben. As Pete was so umm...keen to point out, there is an influence, but I think you have a definite individual style going on there. Keep painting!


p.s Being forced to paint quickly really makes you pare down to the basics...I might try the water drinking technique myself :-)

Ben McLaughlin said...

Thanks, A:)

Ali said...

Yes, Ben, I agree with Trish! It's fabulous. Where did you learn to paint?

Ben McLaughlin said...

Thanks, Ali-- I've been learning from books mostly. 10% from 'how to paint in oils' books, and 90% looking at books about painters I like. Also my boss is a good painter, and has given me good tips. From there it's trial and error--mostly error!

Jalopy Macfurrland said...

beautiful! ..sad somehow. I can't quite know why but that's okay.

Anonymous said...

Wow, Ben - how cool to find your blog while searching for Clarice Beckett pictures! Ms A (our 12 yr old) made a montage of pictures she likes, for an art project. She picked two Clarice Becketts. I just fell in love with them and jumped on to Google to find out more about Clarice...and next thing I know... hang on, that's Ben from Church! And then I click on your paintings, which I also really like and ...another facet of your talent gleams! Looking forward to a good chat at morning tea next Sunday! Anne C

Ben McLaughlin said...

Hello Anne--Thanks for the comment. That is really cool how you stumbled apon my blog looking for CB. I am also stoked that you and your daughter were attracted to CB's work--I haven't found many people to talk to who also like her work. Anne, she is really amazing, the more you look into her life, and her painting. If you want to see one in the flesh, there is a good one in the big gallery in town. See you in church:)