Huldra Forsvant (Theodor Kittelsen)

Huldra Forsvant (Theodor Kittelsen)
Huldra Forsvant (Theodor Kittelsen)

Monday, September 7, 2009

Not Goodbye, Just See You Later

Hi friends.

How was your weekend? Mine was okay. My girls gave me Conan The Barbarian on DVD for Fathers' Day, which was good, and I also got to have McDonald's. Also good.

I've decided that I need to take a bit of a break from blogging, I'm afraid. I have been going through a difficult time, and life is kind of getting on top of me at the moment. I have been blogging on empty the past couple of weeks, half appreciating the diversion, but half struggling to just carry on like normal.

So, hopefully it won't be for too long, I'm hoping maybe only a week. Sorry about that, I hope you guys have a good week or so.

Love Ben

PS- Feel free to make yourselves at home while I'm away. There's some leftovers in the fridge, and the keys to the boat shed are under the third pot plant from the door.


kristina said...

Bummer. Ok, see ya later. Hope you have a great week!

Georgina said...

Dear Ben,
I am sorry to hear that and hope you'll be back in the blogging land soon. Don't feel guilty - blogging should be a joy and a delight. If things are too much, then if you need to stop, stop.
I haven't been blogging much lately for the very same reason.
In Christ,

maso said...

It's been fun, Ben. Hope your week goes ok.

Kutz said...

God bless, Ben. I'll be praying (hopefully more than just this once!) that god will give you strength and wisdom to sort through the poo and tough of life.

Your mostly unkown to you bro,

beth said...

I understand the is overwhelming me more than I thought it would, but you have to do what's right for you...we'll miss you while you're gone, but you'll be re-charged when you come back. See you later....

Chris L said...

have watered the pot plants for you.

Joanna said...

Sorry to hear you've been having a tough time, Ben. Sounds like a wise decision to take some time off from the blog - hope things look up soon.

Unknown said...

Praying for ya brother

beth said...

ok...i looked in the frig, and something started talking to me....

Ruth said...

Praying for you Ben. Looking forward to more of your blogging when you're up for it.

Stuart Heath said...

I watched Conan this weekend. It was, er, much as I'd expected.

And I also found out that you and Jane are siblings. I had to push Tim in the chest and say, "Get out!" in an exaggerated way.

All true except for the chest-pushing. I'm not really into touching people.

Ben McLaughlin said...

So you loved it then? That's great.

How do you know Jane?

Ben McLaughlin said...

And by the way Stuart-- was that you I've seen a couple of times at morning church wearing a purple t-shirt?

Stuart Heath said...

Hi, Ben,

I know Jane and Tim through Mowbray.

And no, I've not visited Annandale, yet. I also don't tend to wear either purple or T-shirts.

But that guy sounds like he could use your help. I'd go chat to him if I were you :)