Huldra Forsvant (Theodor Kittelsen)

Huldra Forsvant (Theodor Kittelsen)
Huldra Forsvant (Theodor Kittelsen)

Friday, October 12, 2012

Yesterday's Edgy Is Today's Passé

I was thinking this morning on the train about how what was 'hip and edgy' not so long ago, has quickly become pretty passé and ho-hum today. I guess it's always been like that, but the rate of the edgy to ho-hum shift seems to be speeding up, I reckon.

I saw this private schoolboy on the train, all swish and rich looking, hair neatly combed, with his crisp blazer and school captain brooch thing pinned on proudly. But he also had one of those ear stretchy things. You know, those ear rings where people put like, a donut in the piercing hole? Kind of Lost-Tribe-of-the-Deepest-Amazon style? Well, he had one of those, to go with his tidy blazer. A big round hoop thing making a big circle of air in his teenage earlobe.

I make no judgement call on donut earrings, if you want to have big saggy floppy lobes by your early twenties,  knock yourself out. But it just amazed me. From the heart of the Amazon to dux of a private boys' school in seconds flat.

The mind boggles at what will be next.


Jessica said...

Those things are ridiculous. On a lost tribe, go for it, it will probably stay in fashion for a lifetime in that context. In Sydney, you are just going to be stuck with a deformed earlobe when the trend is over in 8 months time, let alone when you are 29 and trying to put that expensive education to use as a lawyer or whatever.

Ben McLaughlin said...


I was thinking about what to do once the fad fades, and the donut comes out. Some options:

1) Tie two lobes together under your chin. Easy to thread one through the hole of the other.

2) Pull back around the head to use as scrunchies

3) Pull togther horizontally around front of face, stapling together to make cool glasses/eye mask.

Crazyjedidiah said...

I saw a program recently where a girl who had stretched her ears wanted to get the stretched hole gone and so she had ear love reshaping surgery.

Ben McLaughlin said...

I really hope that wasn't a typo, because 'ear love' is pleasing concept.

Ben McLaughlin said...

I hear it's not such a big deal, they just snip it down the middle, cut a bit off, sew it up, and Bob's your uncle.

Crazyjedidiah said...

Yeah it was basically snip it down the middle and sew it up as well as cutting off the excess lobe. But it was a typo it was meant to be ear lobe.

Jessica said...

Haha, scrunchies might be back in fashion? Scrunchies! Hahahahaha!