Huldra Forsvant (Theodor Kittelsen)

Huldra Forsvant (Theodor Kittelsen)
Huldra Forsvant (Theodor Kittelsen)

Monday, May 2, 2011

Are You Thinking What I'm Thinking B1?

Bananas in Pyjamas, the show I've been working on for the past couple of years finally goes to air today. It feels good, as it's been such a long time in the works. 104 episodes worth! Funnily enough, I finished storyboarding episode #104 last night.

It's a re-jigged, completely animated version (not strange men in fruit suits). So, the first ep was aired this morning at 8am on ABC2 and then I think there's another episode at 1:30pm.

I'm hoping it goes well so that we can get another series up, and I can keep my job.


Ruth said...

Ben - that's awesome! Wow! The kids and I were talking about the show going animated just this morning on the way to school. I didn't know it was being aired this morning, although, we weren't home then anyway... but 'E' and I will watch it at 1:30.

So cool - the boys will be so excited when I tell them after school.

Ben McLaughlin said...

thanks Ruth!

Ruth said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Ben McLaughlin said...

aw thanks:) Gosh, I can't believe you watched it over the big announcement!

Joanna said...

Ben, that's fantastic- congratulations! Really hope it takes off. I expect B1&B2 to play a larger role in the next few years than they have done in my past!

Ruth said...

Sorry Ben, needed to delete my comment, cause I mentioned 'E's name.

But, yeah, we watched it over the big announcement - I figured that would get replayed a hundred million times anyway!

Craig Schwarze said...

High five mate!

Ben McLaughlin said...

No worries Ruth, you're right there..

Jo, thanks! Yes you're gonna get real sick of kids tele, don't you worry.

Craig, cheers mate

Christine said...

nice work Ben!

Karen said...

Amazing. We are at the in-between stage of kids' television...our big kids have outgrown B1, B2 and their mates, and the little one is still under 2 so her TV watching is extremely limited...but I look forward to enjoying at least a few of the 103 episodes in a few months' time!

Karen said...

Or even the 104 episodes...just had a stab at the number since I didn't have the original post up to look at... :)

simone r said...

I like that rat runs like a rat. Well done.

Ben McLaughlin said...

Christine- Thanks:) Hope all is going well with the little one.

Karen- I think the new series aims a little higher, age wise. I saw an episode of the old version the other day, and was pretty surprised at the simplicity and shortness of it.

Simone- E noticed that too. Actually after the first couple of eps I think it was decided he should pretty much stand on two feet all the time. I personally didn't mind a bit of both.