Huldra Forsvant (Theodor Kittelsen)

Huldra Forsvant (Theodor Kittelsen)
Huldra Forsvant (Theodor Kittelsen)

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

A Concerned Visionary

So as it turns out, I am a Concerned Visionary. Who knew? I did this personality test that Onlinesoph linked to, and after many probing questions, I was informed that I am, in fact, a Concerned Visionary.

I think the results are pretty spot on, particularly the bit about people coming to me for fashion advice. It's just good to get it in writing. I think the main things that came up were that I am a worried, unspontaneous, dreaming recluse who is frightened of change. Sounds about right.

A more concerning statistic was that I have 74% femininity and only 48% masculinity (I am bad at maths, but I am fairly sure that does not add up to 100..). Come on, 48%?? Not even a pass? I just wrote a post about football for crying out loud.

It is a fun quiz, I urge you to give it a burl and discover the frightening truth about YOU..


Anonymous said...

Er, I am supposed to be a Cosiderate Idealist...(and I scored a whopping 96% in Femininity). Still trying to work out if it's good or bad.


Ben McLaughlin said...

Considerate Idealist.. not bad. I wonder what in particular you consider ideal..

96%! Wow, someone who is even more feminine than me! Phew.

ps-- AY, I think it's a good thing so long as you are actually female. If you are a male, not so much.