Huldra Forsvant (Theodor Kittelsen)

Huldra Forsvant (Theodor Kittelsen)
Huldra Forsvant (Theodor Kittelsen)

Thursday, July 24, 2008


I never know when to stay home if I'm sick. How sick is sick enough? I have this dumb flu, but also have lots of work to do. This morning I got up in the dark, showered, shaved, dressed, breakfasted, shuffled down to the bus stop and sat down.

It was cold, dark and wet.

I stood back up, shuffled home again, got back in to my pyjamas, climbed back in to bed, put my electric blanket on 6, and went back to sleep.


Anonymous said...

Well if it's any comfort to you, I'm at home sick too - drinking hot lemon and honey in my tracksuit. God bless sickies.

trish said...

how frustrating! you didn't even get to experience the joy of staying in bed and avoiding the outside cold. That's the best part of staying home, not crawling out of bed in the first place.

I see you picked up enough to jump on the computer though :)

get well soon

Ben McLaughlin said...

Pete- hope you fell better soon mate, and that the weather's nicer up there than in wet, cold Syd-er-ney. I can't picture you in a tracksuit!

Trish- Yes true, but actually there was something surreally enjoyable about undoing everything and going back to bed. It was like playing the last hour in reverse, and ending up back where I started. Bit of a Donnie Darko moment.

Christine said...

i stayed home yesterday too Ben - back in today though... regretably :( my muscles are aching :(

Ben McLaughlin said...

yuck-- I have the same thing. Hope you feel better soon, Christine

Christine said...

thanks Ben you too

Anonymous said...

Hmm...I don't like being sick but what I REALLY hate is the sense of guilt that I feel when I do (and there's work to be done). I keep asking myself, WHY do we have to feel GUILTY for being sick?!


Anonymous said...

I too HATE that guilt of sick - and when people ask you if you're eating healthy or tell you to will yourself well, as if it is somehow your fault you're sick or your're choosing to be sick!

Oh, so annoying!