Huldra Forsvant (Theodor Kittelsen)

Huldra Forsvant (Theodor Kittelsen)
Huldra Forsvant (Theodor Kittelsen)

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Book Group Two?!

I was speaking to two young scallywags (if you are younger than me, then I have the right to call you scallywag) the other night at the bible study dinner, and one asked 'how is your book group going?' He was obviously trying to start a fight, but I overlooked the offence, and forgave him.

How is book group going? Well think of it like this. It started off as the fellowship of the ring-- from the four corners of the earth I called together a host of peoples, who pledged their allegiance (eg, 'and my axe'). One by one they fell by the wayside (at least two were discovered later at The Prancing Pony), which is quite understandable considering the book 'we' chose to read.

So now, with three weeks to go, the fellowship is two. Drew and I are Frodo and Sam making our way to the eternal fires of Mount Doom, stopping only for elevensies.

However, despite my hurt thinly veiled with humour, I have no regrets or ill feelings. I like the book group because it pushed me to read something I would never have finished otherwise.

So anyways, back to the scallywags. They then tried to convince me to do Book Group Two (apparently still trying to pick a fight), saying they'd read the book but wouldn't comment on the blog. Yeah, that sounds like a great book group, fellas. They then started suggesting possible books. Scallywag #1 suggested some Helen Garner book that Scallywag #2 rightly described as sounding suspiciously like Beaches.

But what I started thinking, is that I would like to read a Christian book. I never make it through Christian books. They always seem too dense for me (or maybe vice versa..). But if I committed to posting about it each week, then I would get through it, which would be great. Even if it was just me, Frodo on a solo quest, the end result would be worth the lonely walk through Mordor. Having just discovered Mark Driscoll and John Piper, I was thinking something by one of those guys. Or maybe the book I never have gotten past chapter 2 with-- Knowing God by Jim Packer.


Anonymous said...

This is scallywag #1 here (#2 I know you're out there too). I'm liking the Christian book idea and your suggestions - we'll have to talk more soon...

Drew said...

And if you wanted a break, someone else can always take up the 'hosting' on your blog, eg. they could email you the post to put up as a 'guest post'... but hey, its your party.

I like the LOTR analogy!

Why do scallywags #1 and 2 not want to comment? Interesting question, seems to me...

onlinesoph said...

I'm one of the fallen!!!!

I'm so so so sorry ben. I guiltily remember my C&P copy, sitting on our bookshelf, every time I click on your blog.

I could say I have been busy (which I have), and that I have been putting together a mammoth edition for a new magazine this month which means the last thing I want to do when I get home is read anything more substantial than the trashy celebrity story on the front page of (also true!), but it's no excuse really.

I am committed to finishing C&P though, and have a whole weekend free where I will be catching up. I am actually enjoying it and still plugging away, albeit a number of chapters behind you and drew. So hopefully come monday, I will be back on the bandwagon!

Also really appreciate you hosting this - thanks for all the effort you put in!

Ben McLaughlin said...

Scally One-- Cool. I'm sure you know of some good books..

Drew-- Hello Samwise. I really like the hosting idea. That is cool. Sort of like Sam offering to carry the ring for a while.

The thing with scallywags Drew, is that they are, by nature, yella. This is why they opt for 'no comment'.

Soph-- Don't feel guilty, I am just joking around. The thing that I said when I thought of the group was the cool thing is that you didn't have to feel guilt if you didn't feel like commenting. My guilt trip is only in jest.

And also, if I weren't writing about it each week, I would have fallen behind waaaaay back!

Ali said...

Hey, I am still in and still reading - I just haven't caught up yet enough to comment! Maybe I am like Gollum, just sneaking along in the shadows, knowing all the while where you are? Perhaps I shall be of some use in the end?

Ben McLaughlin said...


Hey Ali, I'm glad you are still ploughing thru too:)

Guthers said...

don't be discouraged!

hearing about your book group made me buy a copy of C&P when I saw it in the bookshop for $5.

I'm finding it a little tough to get in to though...

Ben McLaughlin said...

Hi Guthers-- wow, a c&p butterfly effect:) It is worth ploughing through, definately, and there is enough intrigue to get you through it. It is heavy going, but a really, really good book. Good luck!