Huldra Forsvant (Theodor Kittelsen)

Huldra Forsvant (Theodor Kittelsen)
Huldra Forsvant (Theodor Kittelsen)

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Book Group- Week Nine (Part 5, i-iii)


-We learn that Luzhin has been living with Lebezyatnikov, in the same appartments as Sonya and Katerina Ivanovna. Luzhin has been trying to learn from Lebez. first hand about these 'young progressives', living with him even though he despised him.

-Luzhin invites Sonya over, apparently with some crafty plan. He gives her ten roubles

-It's the day of Marmeladov's funeral banquet. Katerina Ivanovna has invited every man and his dog, and has put on a big spread, though she could not afford it apparently out of pride, to prove that she was not the same as the trash living around her.

-The banquet is a shambles, and the rabble who turn up are drunk. Raskolnikov is there, but is keeping quiet. Katerina voices to him her vandetta against the landlady, very up in arms that she looks down her nose at her. The two women argue chidishly.

-Luzhin arrives, with a 'pressing matter' to discuss. He accuses Sonya, in front of everyone, of stealing a hundred rouble note from him. All turn on Sonya, and when she is searched, the money is found in her pocket. Raskolnikov keeps quiet.

-Lebez. bursts in, and then accuses Luzhin of planting the money on Sonya, and explains to everyone how this took place. Raskonikov finally chimes in and explains the reasoning-- that Luzhin is trying to defame Sonya in order to get back at him, and to get back in favour with his sister and mother.

-A brawl nearly breaks out and Luzhin flees. Completely humiliated Sonya also flees. The landlady kicks Katerina out of the appartments.

-The chapter ends on an ominous note, Raskolnikov on his way to see Sonya says to himself "and now it's my turn! Let's see what you'll say to this!"


It seems strange to me that the whole murder situation has been put on the backburner. Raskolnikov was merely a quiet spectator for these three chapters. How is this all going to resolve?

'Private Philanthropy'--

This term, said by Lebezyatnikov refers to something that has popped up several times now through the book-- someone giving someone else money. There have been many instances- A woman on the street giving money to Ras, Ras leaving money for Marmeladov, Ras giving money to Katerina, Dunya sending money to Ras, and now Luzhin giving money to Sonya. What is this all about?

Lebez says he is against private philanthropy, as it is not capable of bringing about any 'radical cure'.


I wonder if Raskolnikov would have come to Sonya's aid, if Lebez. had not spoken up first. Up to that point he had remained cold and silent, even though the crowd had turned on Sonya. To me this showed his horrible, cold, completely selfish character. It also makes me think he eventually stepped in, not out of a desire to help Sonya, but more out of a desire to put the last nails into Luzhin.

For Next Week-- Read Part Five iv-vi


NewJerseyJesus said...

It took me three times to read this book. I finally was able to finish it on a very long plane ride. Third time was a charm.

Ben McLaughlin said...

hey njj-- yeah, it is a hard slog. I think if I wasn't hosting this book group on it I may have fallen by the wayside a few chapters back. only four weeks to go now. the end is in sight!

Ciona said...

Hey, sorry haven't commented yet :)

Re. the backburner, Im wondering about the 'punishment' of the title. We've obviously had the 'crime', and we've been in the 'and' bit for a while now... what kind of punishment, and how's it going to arrive?

Ben McLaughlin said...

hi ciona-- thanks for dropping by. Yeah I was wondering the same thing after this last reading. I am really curious. I suspect that the punishment is going to extend further than just trouble with the law though.. and I suspect that it may have something to do with Sonya..

Drew said...

Ben, that's the weirdest thing - I commented without even thinking about logging in, and it came up with 'Ciona' - it's one of the other PhD students in my department... but no, it was me.

If you're reading this Sofia, sorry bout that! Just goes to show, you can't trust this internets thing.

Ben McLaughlin said...

dude, that's the second time you've tricked me into thinking this poor, lonesome book group has more than two members!

Drew said...

Sorry bout that.

