Huldra Forsvant (Theodor Kittelsen)

Huldra Forsvant (Theodor Kittelsen)
Huldra Forsvant (Theodor Kittelsen)

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Congo II

So we drove down in the pouring rain, leaving Sydney at 4:30am. I was proud that we stuck to our planned leaving time. It was a bit of a rough drive, 4 and a half hours through mostly rain. But once we got down to Congo the sky was a bit clearer, and we immediately fell happily into holiday mode. We were with a bunch of friends -- eleven people all up.

It was a great relaxing time, watching movies, playing board games, smoking cigars, trying to make myself like Johnnie Walker (My Father's Day present-- I told E I wanted some mandrink to put into this hip flask I was given. Tastes pretty nasty though..), walking on the beach, painting, walking in the bush, eating, playing croquet, watching Flight of The Conchords etc. Twas good.

Drove home yesterday arvo. It was a good drive. Little e is on the whole a great traveller, and hardly whinged at all. Though it was a bit sad to get back into the hubbub of Sydney annoyingness, it was nice to be home, and for it to just be the three of us again.

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