Huldra Forsvant (Theodor Kittelsen)

Huldra Forsvant (Theodor Kittelsen)
Huldra Forsvant (Theodor Kittelsen)

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Desert Island Books

Pop quiz. You are sent to a desert island for the rest of your days. You can take five books with you. What are they? Here's my list--

1. The Bible
2. The Imitation of Christ by Thomas a Kempis
3. A collection of Judith Wright's poetry
4. A collection of William Faulkner
5. A book of Clarice Beckett paintings

What's your five?


Aimee said...

I don't have a list of 5, but I think I would at least want 'the dummy's guide to surviving on a desert island' in there somewhere...(or 'the dummy's guide on how to escape said dessert island)
But somehow I think this isn't in the spirit of the thing...

Ben McLaughlin said...

No, it certainly is not in the spirit:) I was thinking of including Robinson Crusoe, as it is a great account of a man struggling onhis own to come to grips with his life and faith...

But the point is the books, not the island!

Bonnie said...

The collected works of Jane Austen
The collected works of Shakespeare
The Screwtape Letters
A book I've made of all the cards and letters Michael's sent me.

Ben McLaughlin said...

nice one, Bonnie. I respect your choices. Not a big Austen fan, but like the rest of your list. The last one is a nice addition:)

Bonnie said...

I was wondering if the 'collected works' was cheating? :-) But it's certainly a good way to get some more reading material in!

SamR said...

Would only need two:

1. Bible.
2. Macbook or PC notebook with GPS internet.

Ben McLaughlin said...

Okay, I'm willing to overlook Bonnies' collected works, but taking your whole flopping computer..