Huldra Forsvant (Theodor Kittelsen)

Huldra Forsvant (Theodor Kittelsen)
Huldra Forsvant (Theodor Kittelsen)

Monday, September 1, 2008

I'm 31

Well, I turned the ripe old age of 31 yesterday. I now feel much older, and much wiser, of course. I had a pretty good birthday weekend-- had a nice day with my family on Saturday, and then yesterday went out to lunch with E and little e. It was low-key, but nice. Also, E made me a big breaky yesterday which was just what the birthday doctor ordered.

I think now I am an adult I'm supposed to not care about birthdays, but to be honest, I still love it when it comes around. I wish it went for a week though, rather than just a day. At least three days, so you have a Birthday Eve, and a Birthday Boxing Day.

I am tempted to be melancholy now because it is all over with, but it is the first day of Spring, so how can I be?!


Christine said...

happy birthday Ben! sorry it's late!

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday!

Next year, you should adopt my families principle of the birthday 'festival.' (Registered Trademark of my Dad) Basically you just try and eek it out over as long a period as you can e.g. who will make me a cup of tea? It is my birthday/festival. When you great grand master status, you will have an extra week either side!

Ben McLaughlin said...

Thanks Christine:)

Thanks Em. Your Dad has the right idea. He and I should be friends. I think there definately should be a festival week, it only seems right and fair to me. One day is not nearly enough time for all the good things that people could do for you. That's only three meals, at most. I need more.

kristina said...

Happy Birthday! 31 on the 31st! I think it's ok for adults to enjoy their birthdays, at least I hope so. I am glad you had a good day and hope you have a great year!

Ben McLaughlin said...

Thanks a lot, Kristina:)

You know, I didn't even register the 31 on the 31st thing until the day after.. bit slow on the uptake!

soph said...

Happy birthday ben - lucky you having your birthday at such a beautiful time of year!