Huldra Forsvant (Theodor Kittelsen)

Huldra Forsvant (Theodor Kittelsen)
Huldra Forsvant (Theodor Kittelsen)

Friday, September 5, 2008

Random Facts Meme

I was tagged by Ali to do this meme. I like a good meme. I'm not sure how it's meant to be pronounced, but I like to say it as 'meh-meh', in an Al Jolson voice. Try it, you'll like it. These are the rules--

1. Link to the person who tagged you
2. Post the rules on your blog
3. List 6 random facts about yourself
4. Tag 6 people at the end of your post
5. Let each person know they've been tagged by commenting on their blog
6. Let the tagger know the entry is posted on your blog

Six Random Facts About Me--

1. One of my all-time favourite foods is Jatz with a bit of butter, and a bit of Vegemite. My mouth is watering just mentioning it.

2. When I was in year 6 my next door neighbour and I went down the bush to smoke a prized cigarette that we had found. We made a little fire on top of this small cliff in order to disguise the cigarette smoke smell with regular fire smoke smell. Ingenious. When we were done we put the fire out by stamping on it and kicking the coals over the cliff. We set off back home, and when we got to the foot of my yard, we turned around towards the bush and saw a massive plume of smoke rising above the trees. And then the fire engines arrived..

3. I am pretty flexible. I can put my legs behind my head. I can also scratch my head with my foot like a dog, without using my hands. Go on, try it. You'll see it for the amazing feat that it is.

4. I love cats. I have learnt to vaguely tolerate dogs. I can not at all tolerate dog- people though. The way they talk to their dog like it's a baby makes me feel violent. The term 'doggie -daycare' makes me want to bring those violent feelings to fruition.

5. One side of my face is much handsomer than the other side. My crooked nose looks better from that side, the sideburn is a better shape, the ear is more rounded. The other side is like the ugly cousin of the good side.

6. I can't stand the sound/ feeling/ sensation of a cotton ball being squeezed between my finger tips. That quiet, scrinchy, silky feeling is like nails down a blackboard for me. Shudder.

Hmm. Now the tagging bit (the hard bit where you have to pretend you have all these countless friends). I tag Drew, Aimee, Kristina and Lu.


kristina said...

1. Vegemite & Jatz? Hmmm. I have no clue.
2. Started a fire? Did you get in trouble?
3. I think you are bluffing.
4. Dogs and cats. I like both of them, but don't treat a dog as if it were a person.
5. Really?
6. Scrinchy? Is that a word? Weird observation. Funny though.

Thanks. I will think about my answers today.

Ben McLaughlin said...

Hi Kristina,
It pains my heart that you don't know the joy of jatz and vegemite. Maybe I could send some over to you so that you could experience this delicacy.

Yeah, I did get in a bit of trouble for the fire. I think I managed to hide the fact that we were smoking. naughty boys.

No, seriously I am not bluffing. I have many witnesses to corrroborate my story.

Nixter said...

You little arsonist ;0) That made me giggle a bit - providing noone was hurt ;)

Ben McLaughlin said...

hi nixter! no, nobody was hurt, except for maybe the two of us kids after getting a spanking:)