Huldra Forsvant (Theodor Kittelsen)

Huldra Forsvant (Theodor Kittelsen)
Huldra Forsvant (Theodor Kittelsen)

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

The Blog List

There's a lot of annoying etiquette involved with blogging. Because people don't want to seem petty and needy they don't talk about it, but it's there, alright. Just lurking beneath the surface.

That was a good post.. so where are the comments? Where are the links to this bit of awesomeness? I commented on your post, why have you not replied?

I know your shrugging and smirking, saying oh, I don't think that way. Come on, friend. Look deep inside. Look at the turmoil that quietly bubbles away.

Anyhow, a bit of blog dynamite waiting to blow is the "Blogs I Read" list. I recognised the volatility of this list early on and wisely steered clear. It sounds fun to start with, but where does the list stop? Someone puts you on their list, so are you then obligated to reciprocate? You have a friend who posts about four times a decade - are you obligated by friendship to add them to your list?

The pitfalls are many, and best to be avoided. It's all fun and games until some poor soul looks down that list with expectancy, and comes away with a small fissure developing on their sensitive heart*.

However, brashly, and perhaps foolishly I added this list to my blog just now. Out of boredom, and not wanting to start work yet. It started off okay, but quickly turned stressful. Where do you draw that line? How do you find the strength to refrain from adding that blog you looked at once in 1982?

Anyhow, I will give it a test run. That's the kind of courage I have been known to show in the face of such adversity. You might say I am neurotic, thinking so much about something so trivial. But if you look down that list and either feel a tinge of joy at seeing your world-famous blog on someone's list, or feel a bit chizzy at being ommitted, well, you will know that I spea
k the truth.

*DISCLAIMER- The author has never once worried about such things, and has never ever cared what anybody thought of him. He is above such trivialities, and is very confident and self-assured. Some might even consider him to be a rock.


SamR said...

I am feeling all warm and fuzzy.

lu said...

wow - thanks for putting me on "the list"! now i am feeling like maybe i ought start posting something on there now and then!

btw, ben - i don't have "the list" on my blog but you are bookmarked in my favorites!

Guthers said...

Ben - obviously I am honoured.

I'd like to say I'm not proud and I wouldn't have cared either way... but who am I kidding?

Good on you for tackling the big blog-issues.

kristina said...

My blog has been blah lately and I honestly wouldn't care if you add mine to the list. I like your comments though.

Your blog on the other hand is well written, funny and creative. I really enjoy reading it.

Nixter said...

PHEW I made it!

not that it mattered anyway!

I really didn't care either way.

Given that I am also so - what was it 'confident and self assured' ;)

soph said...

haha I'm with you - I've refrained because of the politics!

But woo - made the list.

Ben McLaughlin said...

Dear everybody,
It's kind comments like these that will keep you on my list.

Ruth said...

WOW!! Cool! Thanks!!

I know what you mean about the stress of it takes me so long to add someone, and it's so easy to just add them to my favourites page on my computer, that it takes about three yrs to actually get onto my blog page!..then I feel bad for people whose blog I regularly read, and love, but havent' added...oh the stress!!

Also, I find that the posts that people comment to me about are the ones that have the least comments - what is the deal with that!?!?!

So, can I say, I've never commented on, but LOVE the Thursday Peanuts posts, and seek them out each week!

Ben McLaughlin said...

Thanks Ruth:) That's cool that you like peanuts, I have been wondering whether I should persist with that!

yeah I have noticed that phenomonon too.. I think maybe if it's a big topic, people are less inclined to give a quick comment when they read it, but go away to think it over, and then never get around to making it back to they do it in person.
