Huldra Forsvant (Theodor Kittelsen)

Huldra Forsvant (Theodor Kittelsen)
Huldra Forsvant (Theodor Kittelsen)

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Book Group II: Referendum Day

Well, after many grueling days on the campaign trail for our candidates, the day has finally dawned for BGII Referendum Day. Remember what you are wearing, and what you had for breakfast, for this is a day that you will be telling your grandchildren about in years to come.

Some voters have done a little gun-jumping, putting in their votes pre-referendum day on the propaganda post. Your enthusiasm is inspiring, but don't let your vote be wasted, friends. You have a voice. Be heard. Stand up and be counted. Vote here! Vote now!

The Rules--

State your top three choices. First choice is worth three points, second two points, and third one. Voting lines will close at Morning Tea tomorrow, Eastern Standard Time. A giant, cutting edge computer called Trixie has been installed to process the votes in this unparalleled-ingly complicated voting process, and will announce to me in a cool computer voice tomorrow who our winner is. As your spokesperson, I will then relay this information to you.

Choose wisely, friends. The future is in your hands.


Ben McLaughlin said...

1.Christian Reflections (Lewis)
2.Life Together (Bonhoeffer)
3.How Long O Lord (Carson)

lu said...

No I really wasn't trying to get my vote counted twice by posting it earlier! ;)

First choice - Surpised by Joy
Second - Life Together
Third - How Long O Lord

Craig Schwarze said...

1. Christian Reflections

Drew said...

1. Life Together (Bonhoeffer)
2. Surprised by Joy (Lewis)
3. Spiritual Depression (Lloyd-Jones)

Ben, you should have listed the page numbers of each!

Simone R. said...

1. Life Together
2. Christian Reflections

Ben McLaughlin said...

Good idea Drew--

Here's the length of each book:

Life Together - 122 pages
How Long O Lord - 239 pages
Christian Reflections - 242 pages
Surprised by Joy- 287 pages
Spiritual Depression- 300 pages

onlinesoph said...

Hi Ben,

I think I'll sit this one out as I don't think I'm able to commit to reading group at the moment, but happy reading! Hope you get lots out of it, no matter what gets chosen:)

Ben McLaughlin said...

Hey Soph, no worries at all:)

soph said...

1. Surprised by Joy
2. Life Together
3. Christian Reflections

Leanne said...

1. Life Together
2. Spiritual Depression
3. How Long O Lord

Ali said...

Hey book groupers, I went quiet, but I actually made it to the end of Crime and Punishment!! However, I might sit this one out. I really want to read Life Together (love Bonhoeffer's poem called "Who Am I?" if that is any sort of tantaliser) but I have approximately six million other things to read at the moment. I'll be slinking along in the background somewhere ...

Ben McLaughlin said...

No worries, Ali:)