Huldra Forsvant (Theodor Kittelsen)

Huldra Forsvant (Theodor Kittelsen)
Huldra Forsvant (Theodor Kittelsen)

Friday, October 3, 2008

Happy Friday!

It's a beautiful day out there-- supposed to get to 35 degrees! What are you doing today, and what would you be doing if you had the day off?

I'm just plodding along with my work, going to edit my latest episode with the director. Then going straight from work this arvo down to the Shire, meeting E at Miranda and going to some friends' place for dinner.

What I would do if I had the day off.. Um, I would still be lying in bed right now, maybe having a read. Then I'd get up, take the girls to a cafe and have a big brekky with the works, and a couple of coffees while I read some more.

Then I'd go looking through second hand book shops for a couple of hours, maybe have a bit of a run around in a park with little e, then go to a beach somewhere and swim through the arvo, and have fish and chips on the beach at dusk, drive home and watch a horror movie with a couple of beers. That's the good stuff.

What about you? What are you doing and what would you rather be doing?


Guthers said...

I do have the day off! :)

But it's a study day :(

It's too hot to be studying - I would rather be lying on the beach.

Ben McLaughlin said...

bummer.. maybe you could study on double speed and knock off early, in time to do something fun in the arvo..

kristina said...

I would love Friday off. It is only going to be 61 here (16.1111111 degrees Celsius)To have a 90 degree day and a beach to go to would be wonderful.

Ben McLaughlin said...

what season is it over there, Kristina? Autumn? oops, I mean 'Fall'!

onlinesoph said...

What I would love to be doing: waking up late, sitting in café with flat white, the paper and a banana bread. Then browsing at the markets, lunch by the beach and visiting an art exhibition. Afternoon nap is must. Then a BBQ in our backyard (because in my fantasy we have a house with a backyard) with all our friends and neighbours.

What I am doing: madly editing, proofing and filing pages as we get the first issue of our new mag out the door. Trying to make a start on next week’s pile of work and failing. Distracting myself by reading your blog. Unfortunately tonight is a late one at work, but boss has put a bar tab on the pub down the road for celebratory drinks, and tonight Sam and I may go to the Fiesta in the city with some friends from church. So I guess its not all bad.

Elizabeth M said...

we spent the morning at the magic yellow bus...
good times.
i just wish it was 5 degrees cooler and that nathan with us also. i also wish for a pool and some gelato. perhaps i should've asked the magic yellow bus...

Ben McLaughlin said...

Hi soph- that sounds like a good day.. oh for a backyard with a bbq..

Hope you get thru all yr work and have a fun time tonight.

Hey L-- well it is a magic bus.. Oh yeah, a gelato by the pool would be nice right now. Give the little fella a high 5 from me:)

Bonnie said...

Where I am: in the warehouse packing orders because we fired our warehouse guy. It feel like an oven.

Where would I rather be? Anywhere else (with aircon).

Ben McLaughlin said...

you poor thing-- that sounds nasty.. I think there's a southerly coming a bit later, maybe that'll cool you down.

kristina said...

Yes, it is just the begining of fall/autumn(we use them interchangably)in Minnesota. I could stand to be a little busier and a little warmer.