Huldra Forsvant (Theodor Kittelsen)

Huldra Forsvant (Theodor Kittelsen)
Huldra Forsvant (Theodor Kittelsen)

Monday, October 27, 2008

The Constant Browser

I love books, and love the idea of being a reader. But my problem is that I am a browser. My bedside table is loaded up with books, magazines and comics that I am 'reading', but I will rarely ever finish any of those books. I like to just sit in bed and look at them. Sounds silly, but I just like the look and smell of books, and dwelling on the possibility that I might actually one day read one..

My common routine is to hop into bed, look at a book, admire how nice it looks now that I have covered it in plastic wrap, read it's contents page, look at the blurb, admire the binding, give it a bit of a sniff, then read about four lines and fall asleep.

This annoys me. I want to be someone who can plough through books, and tick them off. But I actually find reading kind of hard. I find it really difficult to get into the zone, and not have my mind wander. I usually have to concentrate very hard, and most of the time end up re-reading paragraphs and paragraphs because my mind switched off for a bit.

So this is my goal. To do some hardcore reading, and actually get through some stuff, and conquer my annoying habit of browsing. Any browsers out there, or are you all those annoying people who can read a book in a day? If you are, get out of my sight.


onlinesoph said...

I'm not a browser, but I would definitely find it hard to power through a book in a day!

I reckon there are different types of readers. There's the "sit on the couch and read for three hours" type of reader, or the "power through a book in two days and still be able to recall the entire plot" reader. Then there's the dily-dally types, with short attention spans and an inability to concentrate for long stretches of time, but who have the ability to read 3, maybe 4 books at the one time. That's me!

Can you read on the train to work? I found that helped me get through books better.

soph said...

I'm a browser too! I have about 10 books/mags/poetry anthologies going at once, and find it hard to commit.

Wow, maybe I'm afraid of commitment.

soph said...

Soph - oh yeah, my housemate is such a sit on the couch and read for three hours type - it always makes me feel so inferior! My 30min bursts just don't cut it.

And my did is the power through a book in two days type and he's ALWAYS mocking me for my dilly dallying.


I think I need some kind of "Dilly Dallying anonymous" club to help me with my problem... although the anonymity is kind of pointless now!

Ben McLaughlin said...

Soph, actually the dillydally type sounds kind of like me too. Yeah, I do try to read on the way to work, but that has kind of become my bible reading time.. and the journey home, I'm too braindead to read:(

Sophie, maybe yr right.. perhaps it is a commitment issue. I'm worried now.