Huldra Forsvant (Theodor Kittelsen)

Huldra Forsvant (Theodor Kittelsen)
Huldra Forsvant (Theodor Kittelsen)

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Food Safari

What are your favourite shows on tele at the moment?

I don't have very many anymore. There's so much boring junk on. What I do like though is cooking shows. I really like this one on Wednesday nights' called Food Safari. Last night's episode was great, it was all about Spanish food. Yum, it all looked awesome.

I'd like to try a Spanish restaurant some time --anyone know of any?


onlinesoph said...

I don't really watch much tele at the moment. I quite liked So You Think You Can Dance when it was on, but difficult time with the sunday/monday night schedule! I've never heard of Food Safari.

I love Spanish food!

Miro in the city is excellent. It's in the spanish quarter on Liverpool street, kind of tucked away (google it if you want the exact address). The food is all tapas, but it's so tasty and the restaurant is quite nice and atmospheric - like a chilled out bar. I think you and E would have a lovely time there. Whenever I meet up with my school girlfriends, we always go there for sangria and tapas!

There's also a really great place in Leichhardt that Sam and I went to with a group of friends once - waaaay back before we were dating. I'll try and find out the name for you.

There's a nice place on Glebe Point road as well...

onlinesoph said...

Good value for tapas. I recommend the garlic mushrooms,chorizo and spicy potatoes. Yum. getting hungry just thinking about it...

Ben McLaughlin said...

Hi there Soph, Food Safari is on SBS. Thanks for the info on the restaurants. You know I think maybe I have been to the one on Liverpool st yonks ago, I'd forgotten. Sounds great. Might chech out the Leichardt and Glebe ones too..

ps- mmmmm chorizo:)

Pedro said...

Benno, Kel and I did a spanish cooking course together, just this weekend gone. In Surry Hills. We cooked a big Paella, albondigas (meatballs in a tomato base sauce), We did a spicy chorizo with onions, garlic and chic peas, cooked in a sweet sherry and areal nice asparagus and pear salad with pancetta.

Sweet. the course is reasonably priced and i recommend it. We have already repliocated the salad and the meatballs are on my list for next week..

Comida muy bonita!!!

Ben McLaughlin said...

that sounds awesome mate- Gotta slip me some recipes. I'd love to give paella a burl

Bonnie said...

I love global village. And tonight it's on Forli - the town in Italy where I lived for a year!

Hope public transport lets me get home in time to watch.

Christine said...

Ben I have one word for you... ENCASA! Encasa spanish restaurant is near central station on Pitt St. It's the best spanish I've ever tasted.
Also - I am a massive fan of Food Safari. Just brilliant.

Ben McLaughlin said...

I've not seen Global Village, Bonnie- I've heard of it, but don't really know what it's about. I'll try and check it out.

Yeah it's a cool show, hey. I like how the host doesn't try and be a star, she just looks on interestdedly.
ps- that resty sounds good..

Ben McLaughlin said...

that last paragraph was to you Christine, by the way!