Huldra Forsvant (Theodor Kittelsen)

Huldra Forsvant (Theodor Kittelsen)
Huldra Forsvant (Theodor Kittelsen)

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Mince Tarts and Maturity

I've decided that I'd like to try and make mince tarts for Christmas. I wonder if they're hard to make... anyone ever tried?

I like a good mince tart. In a way you could say they are just a glorified pillow biscuit, but then again I love pillow biscuits, so a glorified one must be all the more awesome. And it surely is.

I also like them because they make me feel old and mature. The mince tart is an adult food. To sit in a cafe with a coffee and a mince tart, with my legs crossed-- to me that is the epitome of having reached maturity. And I have.

As a side note, there will always be a little part of me that looks back nostalgically and lovingly at immature eating habits. Yesterday I saw a group of school boys standing around, and they had just popped into the supermarket for some snacks. There was no thought for mince tarts. They each had bought one of those long bags of coloured popcorn, and were scoffing it down. They hadn't even simply opened the top of the bag, but had just stuck their fingers through the middle of the bag, and were just cramming it all into their mouths.

I fought back my desire to go and grab a bag of coloured popcorn for myself, and tried to focus on grown-up foods once more.


Pedro said...

Why praytell young brethra dost thou have the need to be in thy latter stages of maturity? There will come a time when you will say 'I wish I could be young again..' Why not just just go with the youthful urges and be an adult when it is required?
Lifes too short to be wishing you were skipping chapters, brah.

Just mu 0.02 worth.

Ben McLaughlin said...

It was mostly a joke, mate. Don't worry I indulge in plenty of childish pleasures.

Ben McLaughlin said...

you got me thinking though, and I happened to listen to a talk this morning that picks up on similar stuff from Ecclesiastes.

Nathan said...

Hi Ben, been reading for a while and thought it was time I posted/introduced myself. I can't remember if I've done this before - I'm a serial lurker though.

If ever the pangs of nostalgia get to strong a mars bar toasted sandwich really hits the spot I find. It's nutritious and delicious.

Ben McLaughlin said...

Hi Nathan, good to meet you, and thanks for reading. Well, that does certainly sound nutritious, I might need to give it a burl.

ps- I'm a bit envious that you live in Townsville. I grew up in the N.T. I miss the top half of Australia..