Huldra Forsvant (Theodor Kittelsen)

Huldra Forsvant (Theodor Kittelsen)
Huldra Forsvant (Theodor Kittelsen)

Monday, November 10, 2008

Miserable Lives?

Somebody left a Telegraph on the train this morning, so I picked it up for a quick skim. On the front page was a picture of the coffin of Imam Samudra, one of the Bali bombers, being carried along.

The big headline read Let Them Fade From View, and the subheading, Victims seek peace as three cowards finally pay for evil with their miserable lives.

This struck me as being very emotionally charged for a headline, and got me thinking about the wording. It seems interesting that they would be described as having 'miserable lives' when what seemed to really boil peoples' blood about them (myself included) is that they didn't seem miserable at all. Every time we saw them, they were smiling, laughing and mocking. There was no visible remorse at all.

I wonder if underneath the bravado and blind devotion to their cause they were really miserable? On the surface the only ones that seem miserable are the victims
of their actions.


onlinesoph said...

gotta love the tele for a bit of sensationalism...

I heard on the ABC this morning that the one who was the most sneering throughout the trial looked the most frightened at death - he was apparently pale and terrified.

I wonder if the finality of death - and the glimpse of what was to come - finally hit him.

Pedro said...

I saw the same thing, onlinesoph.

The smarmy grubs were trembling with fear when they realised the price of admission to their 'Heaven' with Allah was gonna be not so welcomed after all...

I genuinely think it was all an act to put salt on the wounds of those affected, long after the deed was done.

When all is said and done, maybe, just maybe the next morons will think twice before doing something so completely futile, and destroying their own people's livelyhood in the bargain.

Ben McLaughlin said...

Hmm. Well, that's interesting that there was some element of fear at the end. To thnk of them as smiling and laughing to the very end is pretty chilling.

I guess yeah, something hit them. Though if there was really that hardcore faith that they were going to paradise to be greeted by a bunch of virgins, you wonder what the fear was of?

Pete, I reckon your right that the smiling was a contrived thing to make the victims hurt even more. horrible, but pretty effective.

Christine said...

smiling and laughing can sometimes be a reaction to fear... people can use laughter to cover up their true feelings.

Ben McLaughlin said...

yeah thats true, Christine. Probably as much a coping mechanism as bravado.