Huldra Forsvant (Theodor Kittelsen)

Huldra Forsvant (Theodor Kittelsen)
Huldra Forsvant (Theodor Kittelsen)

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Book Group II: Week Three

I lift up my hands to your commands, which I love,
and I meditate on your decrees.

--Psalm 119:48


I have been thinking about meditation this week, and pondering how I can work this better in to my life. Also I have been thinking about the logistics of Christian meditation, and how it differs from what the word 'meditation' evokes these days.

Buddhist meditation for example seems to be more about emptying the mind, whereas Bonhoeffer says that Christian meditation

'does not let us down into the void and abyss of loneliness; it lets us be alone with the Word. And in so doing it gives us solid ground on which to stand and clear directions as to the steps we must take.' (p81)

He also says that the fundamental rule is to 'seek God, not happiness', but that when we do seek God alone, we 'will gain happiness: that is a promise' (p84). So it seems less about becoming empty for emptiness' sake, but become empty to allow space for the Word to dwell in us richly.

This week I have been attempting to meditate on the passage from Ephesians 6 that Con preached on last Sunday, about putting on the armour of God. I've been just focusing on a phrase or a sentence rather than the whole chunk, and trying to let those words get through to me in a deeper way.

To be honest, I haven't found it that successful so far. My mind wanders a lot, and I have not chosen a very wise setting for my meditation. The bus ride in the morning is loud, and crowded, and doesn't really lend itself to peaceful reflection. I am thinking that the best time would be really early in the morning, when I am alone and it is quiet. It would take discipline, but I'm sure it would be invaluable.

I found this passage from the chapter to be a good encouragement to press on--

'Often we are so burdened and overwhelmed with other thoughts, images, and concerns that it may take a long time before God's Word has swept all else aside and come through. But it will surely come, just as surely as God Himself has come to men and will come again.' (p82)


Drew said...

Keep going brother. Great thing to be doing and practising.

I'm catching up (chapter two was huge!).

Giraffe Pen said...

I LOVE Bonhoeffer's writing :) It's magical stuff.