Huldra Forsvant (Theodor Kittelsen)

Huldra Forsvant (Theodor Kittelsen)
Huldra Forsvant (Theodor Kittelsen)

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Pro Brits

Just so you know, I am pro Britney.

Yeah, yeah, I know she has done some stupid stuff, but she's also been put through the wringer. The media have way more to be ashamed of for the way they've crucified her over the past couple of years, than she does.

And I don't care what anyone says, that song 'Gimme More' rocks. Go Brits.


Pedro said...

Benno, I am appalled.
I can't work you out brethra.
You take quite a high moral stance on many issues then belittle yourself and your prudent stance with praise for a spoilt, attention seeking, ungrateful little slapper who should have been neutered when she hit puberty...

Head. Wall. Head. Wall....

Ben McLaughlin said...

I seriously hate to hear people say stuff like that. 'Neutered'? That is terrible mate.

I'm not belittling myself at all, and I don't think I am contradicting myself either. If someone has sunk low in their lives, surely it's more appropriate to feel compassion for that person then to mock them and look down on them.

It's a bit of a let him without guilt cast the first stone' thing, in my oppinion.

Pedro said...

Whatever works for ya mate.

Sunk low ya reckon? What exacttly do you classify as low? EVERYTHING she has done is her own doing and she struggled to find herself with measly millions in the bank...poor poor little rich girl.
Gimme a break.
She asked for, built and made that bed of hers. Now she can lie in it. She WANTED the fame and exposure. She got it.
Maybe you should do a "Leave Britney Alone!!" video version two for youtube and join your mate Chris Crocker...
He's feeling compassion as well.

Ben McLaughlin said...

Having a lot of money means that you are going to be happy?

You're talking with such anger simply because I feel compassion for her?

Pedro said...

Not because you feel compassion, mate, but because you are defending the actions of a woman whose behaviour will inevitably (whether we like it or not) determine the life path of so many young girls around the world, in a negative way.
Depending on exposure, your daughter may be one of them.
Don't YOU think there is enough of that negative influence?

But, forgive me friend. I do feel passionately about these things.

maybe you missed the 348 girls (Britney lookalikes) down the mall trying to impress the older boys with mid-driffs, ponytails and cigarettes....

Oh and money doesn't make you happy. people who don't have much know that. Its just that there are thousands of people who have issues and NO money (or fame) that don't get anyones 'compassion'....

What about them?

Maybe they should release a video clip, dancing around in a skimpy school uniform? Then we might talk about them eh?

whiteboxer said...

'Then she does'.... what? Dontcha mean 'than'?

Ben McLaughlin said...

yep, I meant 'than'.

Pete, I don't think we will agree on this, and that's ok. I don't want to just argue over the same ground. But just for the sake of clarity, let me point out that feeling compassion for her is different to defending her actions and saying I want my daughter to use her as a rolemodel.

My point is not that what she's done is okay. My point was that the way people have treated her is not okay. Nobody's actions justify other people treating them like a piece of dirt.

My point is that I would like her life to turn around for her sake yes, and also so that the girls who look up to her would see that.

Never did I say look up to her, all I said was give her some respect as a fellow human being.

Pedro said...

Well, one might be forgiven for thinking you were defending her 'to some extent' by highlighting the associated press' actions as 'much worse'.
Anyways, whatever.

As far as WANTING your daughter to use her as a role model, I'm afraid not much you say will change that outcome if your little girl finds something about that train wreck, inspirational.
Thats why I don't hesitate to chastise because the most impresasionable demographic in our modern society is at the mercy of these morons and their overhyped undertalented, media driven celebrity.
So, yes, the media are also scum but I won't give respect to someone who quite clearly doesn't respect herself or her children or her first, second or third (how many was it?)husbands..

There's a boatload more 'fellow human beings' out in the world that deserve respect and compssion way before this trollop. You make it sound like she has been so hard done by! (sigh)

Anyway i digress.

Lets hope she has faded into obscenely wealthy obscurity before your baby girl has any thoughts about a teen role model.

I love our little debates!!!
Fire up arcky!!!

Ben McLaughlin said...

I don't particularly like these debates. It makes me sad that we see some things so differently. But it's still good to talk about this stuff.

Anyhow, I will leave this topic with one final thought.

Who did Jesus spend time with? The high and lofty self righteous people? No He treated them with scorn.

He spent time with the prostitutes and criminals. Not saying 'your sin is fine', but showing them compassion and love while still condemning their past sinfulness. Hating the sin, loving the sinner.

Look at John 8. To me that's what keeps popping into my mind with this conversation.

Everyone standing around an adulteress with rocks in their hands, and Jesus dares them to throw a stone if they themselves are innocent.

Giraffe Pen said...

Pedro, your first post is a heinous put-down of another person. True, Ben must repent of his poor taste in music (on that you and I are united) but calling BS a 'slapper' is unloving. Sure she's lived a part of her life in the gutter (I did so myself once upon a time) but denouncing her as if you're better than her is not called for. One day God's going to expose all of YOUR sins for everyone else to listen to, so humble yourself.

Only bullies like to put down others in order to elevate themselves and are you not doing that here?

Pedro said...

Firstly. let me say (to all and sundry) that maybe this wasn't the ideal forum for the debate Ben and I enetered into. I am sure he had not envisaged this post developing the way it did....

As far as my comments on miss BS.
DON"T presume to know what I am inferring when I make a statement.

You don't know me.

I didn't make the comments about BS for anything resembling self elevation so hop down off your high horse mate.

Ben McLaughlin said...

Let's leave this conversation here, please. I don't want to get into personal attacks.