Huldra Forsvant (Theodor Kittelsen)

Huldra Forsvant (Theodor Kittelsen)
Huldra Forsvant (Theodor Kittelsen)

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Pedestrian Windows

You know the window between a red light going one direction, and a green light the other? That small window that as a law-breaking pedestrian, you can use to dash across despite your little man being red?

As you know, this is a window that must be judged on it's own merits, as there are differing variables for every road and occasion. But generally, a young and lithe person may safely cross in a window, if he has his wits about him.

Yesterday I encountered severe window misuse. The Windowee had not their wits about them, and were definitely not young and lithe. A rash decision nearly cost them.
The light turned red and a window opened, a brief fleeting portal. I checked the surroundings and judged it hazardous, a window that would not last. The woman beside me however, got that mad gleam in her eye. Now this lady was not in her prime. The walking frame, white hair, faded floral dress, frail body and limp attested to this. And yet she got that gleam and did the bolt, leaving caution
standing safely back at the curb.

The light changed and two lanes of approaching cars began to move. The Madwoman had only made it a fifth of the way across, and she looked up, realising her terrible mistake, yet all she could do was hobble on, as fast as her walking frame could carry her (ie, not very).

The cars drew to a stop, a metre in front of her, the drivers letting out a collective eye-roll as she slowly finished her journey. They spared her dignity by not honking, though my mean nature thought she deserved at least a little toot.

You are never too old to respect your windows.

1 comment:

Giraffe Pen said...

:) haha! When I read this post it really made me laugh. You have a great way with words :)