Huldra Forsvant (Theodor Kittelsen)

Huldra Forsvant (Theodor Kittelsen)
Huldra Forsvant (Theodor Kittelsen)

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Speech Diary- Worst Enemy

I think I'm going to be my own worst enemy with my speech stuff. I am finding that I am having pretty irrational expectations of myself. Yesterday I did really well at work, having some really fluent conversations with several people.

Then, at lunch time someone asked me a question, and in my two sentence reply I lost my technique and had some stutters. By the evening I was really, really down. I'd let those few little setbacks really get to me. I need to always highlight to myself the little victories, and not get disheartened so easily.


Christine said...

Hey Ben.
Times like those are bound to happen, but keep your eyes fixed on the goal.
I was so happy to read of your progress, great stuff! :)

Aimee said...

You are doing so well Ben!

It's completely natural to find it harder at times: when you are put on the spot, when you're tired or stressed, when you are busy, or just when you're concentrating on something else. Go easy on youself and remember how far you have come.

Be aware that last week was a very intense week of focusing on your speech, giving you the chance to make some huge improvements. Now you're back to reality and have to work at it amongst all the other stuff in life. Improvement is naturally going to be less dramatic, but keep practising, because it will keep getting better!!

Ben McLaughlin said...

Thanks, Christine. You're right, things like that are going to keep happenning. I need to take them in my stride.

Thanks, Aimee. It's good to get a bit of input from a speech therapist. Because I'me no longer doing it so intensively, it's only natural that it won't be as smooth a ride.