Huldra Forsvant (Theodor Kittelsen)

Huldra Forsvant (Theodor Kittelsen)
Huldra Forsvant (Theodor Kittelsen)

Friday, February 6, 2009


Sunday is tipped to reach tops of 47 degrees. This is beserk. I wouldn't be surprised if the Indian Ocean had something to do with it. Jerk.

How can we get through this day from hell? First thing is to find somewhere air conditioned, but from there the options become limited. Do we really want to drive around a boiling car park for half an hour in order to squeeze into a crowded shopping centre for the millionth time?

Seeing a long movie would be a good option, but toddlers aren't real great at sitting still and keeping quiet for more than four minutes. The beach? The pool? So crowded, and a million other people trying to get there too.

What other options are there? Any ideas?


Anonymous said...

Was told McDonalds at Stanmore has free wi-fi and is air-conditioned. Might see you there...

Ben McLaughlin said...

The Golden Arches! Of course!

What is a wi-fi? It sounds delicious.

Bonnie said...

Somewhere like the aquarium should be airconditioned? Little e would have fun, you and E can enjoy the cool.

Ben McLaughlin said...

That's a nice idea Bonnie, thanks.

Tracy said...

Sit naked at home draped in wet towels with a fan blowing on you?

What is 47 degrees in F? I'll have to go check that.

Tracy said...

For any US folks visiting after me... 47 C = 116.6 F

Ben McLaughlin said...

I think we better stay well away from our place Tracy, it's like a fiery furnace. Thanks for doing the conversion:)

Simone R. said...

I'm going to an outdoor wedding near some bush fires. How does that sound?

Ben McLaughlin said...

like a regular barrel of laughs. Hope it's okay. Do I detect a bit of chizziness in your tone?

soph said...

The last time it was this hot I went to a shopping centre for two hours, followed by the airconditioned pub across the road for another two, where I read and chatted and played cards. Not sure how kid-friendly that is though!

Colinmac said...

Maybe a visit to relos at Rouse Hill - airconditioning and a pool