Huldra Forsvant (Theodor Kittelsen)

Huldra Forsvant (Theodor Kittelsen)
Huldra Forsvant (Theodor Kittelsen)

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Venus and Mars

Sometimes I realise just how different men and women can be. What appeals to one, can seem so foreign and unappealing to the other.

Packed into a train this morning, I was standing behind a woman who was enthralled in a big fat book called 'P.S- I Love You', which on the cover showed an attractive couple laying blissfully in bed, with a little sticker saying 'now a major motion picture'. Everything about that book was unappealing to me. The picture, the design, the lettering, the title. Everything.

Meanwhile, I was listening to a heavy metal song in my headphones called 'Ride The Lightning', which is about a guy who is being sent to the electric chair. Very fast, very loud, long frantic guitar solos. Everything about that appealed to me.

Now, I'm not the blokiest bloke you'll ever meet (I don't really like action movies and my favourite singer of all time is Kate Bush), and obviously there are big exceptions, but on the whole, it seems like we are just drawn to very different things. Don't you think it's a wonder that we get along at all?


Pedro said...

You should see the movie. Its lovely...

P.S....I love you.

Ben McLaughlin said...

i bet it isn't.

Still, I like that you like chick flicks and go against the norm. Who wants to be all black and white anyway.

Still, I will continue to feel free to mock you for it.

Anonymous said...

I don't think it is gender that differentiates what you like in music/literature... There's just bad taste...As in, what I like is good, what you like is not.

Celebrate diversity! It keeps us amused :)


Ben McLaughlin said...

I don't think gender differentiates, but I think it definately sets up trends. I think those things are in our wiring, not something we get from upbringing either.

Under this soft, marshmallowy exterior, I will always trully be a hunter. Rahrr!

Pedro said...

I'm curious miss Y..have you seen the movie in question and if so, what was your opinion? (actually i can't imagine you watching a movie like that but...I might be wrong...)

Diversity rocks!!!

I'm in for coffee tomorrow morning if you are around...

Pedro said...

hunter ya reckon, cobber?

and 'Rahrr'????

I don't know how to respond to those statements......TRU LL Y...

Ben McLaughlin said...

Is it because you are a little frightened, or in awe? That's ok. Maybe it's a bit like how you'd feel staring face to face with a roaring lion.

Pedro said...

Mate, it scares me to realise how well you know me...

Please don't growl at me tomorrow sir.

Anonymous said...

Don't judge the movie til you've seen it. It is a very good movie. Good people in it, and some good humor.

I don't think being a man or woman dictates likes and dislikes. I know guys who are more girly than I am, and I'm a girl's girl, and I know girls who are really into what guys are into. I'm kinda in the middle. I LOVE chick flicks, but like action movies, I watch sports, but don't like all of them. I love the outdoors and used to fact, all girls in my family were hunters. I think it's the diversity that you're exposed to as you're brought up.

Anonymous said...

To answer your question Pedro...
No. I haven't. Give me Godfather or Die Hard. BTW, who is the blond in the picture???

Yes Ben, hunter you say? If you say so... :). I do agree that some things are wired.


Ben McLaughlin said...

Beth, while I can't judge the movie/book entirely without seeing it, I would say I can have a pretty fair idea of what it is. Like if I see a movie poster with Arnie standing in army greens holding big machine guns I can make an educated guess at what I'm in for. But ok, I won't say it's bad if I haven't seen it:)

I agree with what you are saying, and I am just as much the exception to the rules-- I have no interest in cars, I like poetry etc etc. But I still maintain that God made man and woman different, and that that influences what we are drawn to.

You hear people say woman's strongest desire is to be loved and a man's is to be respected (in general). If this is true then I think these traits naturally influence what appeals to us (in general).

I'm not saying this because I think I'm some big macho man, because I'm totally not- if anything I'm the exception- but I'm just saying trends can be seen in the majority of men and the majority of women.

onlinesoph said...

I agree, we are wired differently!

But I still wouldn't touch "PS - I love you" with a 10 foot pole...rom coms are not my thing. Maybe I'm weird??