Huldra Forsvant (Theodor Kittelsen)

Huldra Forsvant (Theodor Kittelsen)
Huldra Forsvant (Theodor Kittelsen)

Thursday, March 19, 2009

My Friend

Do you suppose it's wrong for my friend to look down his nose a little bit at people on the train reading Twilight? He also did this when he'd see every second person reading Harry Potter and The Da Vinci Code, in their heydays.

It's not (he tells me), so much about the quality or content of the books, but more because EVERYONE is reading the exact same thing.

Is my friend a snob?


Pedro said...

Snob? No. Unnecessarily judgemental? I'd say so. Its like saying people who watch 'So you think you can dance' (like I hear your friend does) is also to be frowned upon.

People in glass houses.....and all that.

Ben McLaughlin said...

my friend says 'people in glass houses have a very good view'.

Pedro said...

Of the rocks about to smash them in the face.

onlinesoph said...

does this same friend have a moleskin tucked away in his backpack? ;)

Ben McLaughlin said...

He has two.

My friend is a very complex human being, full of mysterious paradoxes.

soph said...

I would NEVER be friends with your friend


j/k. Your friend sounds very similar to me..!

Joanna said...

Certainly snobby and probably misguided :) I assume when Shakespeare's plays were first performed, there were people like your friend sneering at the crowds that rolled up to see Hamlet!