Huldra Forsvant (Theodor Kittelsen)

Huldra Forsvant (Theodor Kittelsen)
Huldra Forsvant (Theodor Kittelsen)

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

No Comment

I've just been reading a post and it's comments, and the general vibe was 'I hardly ever comment on blogs anymore because...'

This made me sad. I can understand a lot of the reasons. Arguments and misunderstandings arise when you don't mean them to. You put out valid thoughts and get no response. You say things that get taken the wrong way. It's hard to know how to take other people's comments when you can't read their tone. Etc etc.

I've worried a lot about all this too, and I do definitely get why people would stop commenting, but it still saddens me-- because for me, as someone with a blog, the best part of the whole thing is having interaction and feedback. I like having a place to spout my dumb thoughts, sure, but more than that I like the chatting part, and having a bit of a joke with people.

A blog with no comments is a lonely old place.


Elizabeth M said...

misinterpret this!

Ben McLaughlin said...

i thought you were my friend. Guess I thought wrong.

By the way, this post is not a needy way of saying please comment MORE, it's more a please don't throw in the towel, commenters, because I like your comments.

onlinesoph said...

thought I'd comment because comments make you happy.


Ben McLaughlin said...

hi soph. Thanks, and hurrah for pity comments:)

Bonnie said...

I love comments too, because it makes my blog feel less like my diary other people are reading and more like a conversation amongst a community.

It's also nice to know you actually have people reading your blog.

onlinesoph said...

I like comments too, but that's probably because we get nice comments, Bonnie! I reckon if we got really mean ones, we might feel differently.

Ben McLaughlin said...

that's why i like comments too bonnie.

you know what? I hear people talk about these blogs that make them angry and stuff, and I wonder what these blogs are. Most blogs I see are fairly tame and polite. I spose I'm missing something.

Anonymous said...

the amount of times I say to myself "that was the last time I'm commenting on a blog....."

Ben McLaughlin said...

but what gets you to the point of saying it those times? arguements? no answer to yr comments?

Anonymous said...

normally I write without thinking and look back at what I've said and have come across in a way that I didn't expect.

The hard thing is that you don't know how people are intepreting you, because of the limitations of internet communication. What you think is quirky or cheeky may be coming across as arrogant and rude

Ruth said...

lol - as I was meant to be resting, recovering....I read a few blogs that made me so boiling hopping furiously mad...that I couldn't sleep anymore! (If you want me to point you in the direction of blogs that make me angry I can, but I suggest, ignorance in this area makes for a happier nights sleep!) When I decide not to comment on a blog anymore it's because I feel like I've been ignored, or been treated rudely, or I'm just wasting my cyberbreath - so I stop commenting there...or at least try to! I've now decided to stop reading a whole heap of blogs as well, so I'm not tempted to comment, and thus frustrate myself further. Real life has enough problems of its own!!

Love your blog, will keep reading and commenting on it.

I like comments on my blog.

RodeoClown said...

I just comment whenever and wherever the fancy takes me. Including on several-month-old blogs of people I've never met in Real Life(tm).

I always set email follow ups, and try not to get too annoyed when people either don't respond, or don't agree with what I say.

Is this destructive?

I'm too much of a sucker for punishment to stop though.