Huldra Forsvant (Theodor Kittelsen)

Huldra Forsvant (Theodor Kittelsen)
Huldra Forsvant (Theodor Kittelsen)

Thursday, March 26, 2009

No Home Phone?

We are considering giving up our home phone, and just having mobiles. Do you reckon this is an acceptable thing to do?

Our line has always been crap, and Telstra seem to always stuff us around. Our line hasn't worked at all for several days now.

My main hesitation is that when other people have done this it has seemed a mite selfish to me-- because people have no choice but to pay more if they need to call you.

I don't know. There seems to be pros and cons. What do you reckon?


onlinesoph said...

we toyed with this idea for a long time...eventually we decided to get some deal where your phone line is included in your internet package...DSL? Naked DSL?

I don't know, I'm sure Sam can clarify what I'm talking about!
It was cheaper though...but the funny thing is only four people ring us on our home phone - my parents, sam's parents, and two of sam's sisters. So every time it rings, we can guess who is on the other end!

Christine said...

We are the same Soph, only our parents use the land line because it's cheaper than calling our mobiles.
Ben, do you have interstate family?

Ben McLaughlin said...

Oh right Soph.. I have heard of something like that. i might look into it..

I agree though- very few people even call the home phone these days.

Hey Christine- no, all our fam is in Sydders..

Georgina said...

Hi Ben,
Don't know you, but I like reading your blog.
I think it's actually almost normal and I've certainly toyed with the idea. I've gone for months without using my landline as my mobile has a cap and the bill hasn't changed at all - shows how much I was using as opposed to my housemate. I think if they can text you or ring but you don't answer on your mobile then that saves them the expense, and then you can ring them back.

In other words, if you can work out a way of not having the expense for them, then go for it.

SamR said...

Yep Naked DSL

Don't worry it's not a porn site.

Aimee said...

We've had only mobiles (cells - see I'm getting used to the lingo here...) for over four years now as we realized we were pretty much paying for only a handfulof calls and most of those were salespeople!! The reason it worked for us was that all our families had mobiles with the same company so we could talk for free for a limited time (then call back) in the evenings. Were also happy to call people back if we need to have a long conversation and they are on landline. The only real hassle has been calling 1800 and 13 numbers as they either don't work or charges are high.

PS. I was laughed at yesterday for saying 'reckon' in a sentence. Good to see other Aussies using it!

soph said...

I only have a mobile (cost thing), and it works beautifully, because the only person who I really speak to for a long time is my mum, and she is on the same plan, so we get free chat time.

I think it's good if the people you speak to regularly are with the same company.

Ben McLaughlin said...

Hi Georgina, thanks for stopping by:) That's good advice, thanks.

Thanks Sam, I'll check that out-- you're right all that nudity sounds a bit pornesque!

Aimee, the U.s. will face a reckoning, don't you worry:)

Thanks Soph. Well, yeah I don't know.. It's all sounding like quite a good option to me.

Georgina said...

Thanks Ben! As I said, your blog is interesting.

I thought my mum would freak if I went mobile, but then I found out she encouraged my sister to do it. So there you go. And my mum is really, really into saving money.

Colinmac said...

Don't worry about us. Our deal includes calls to mobiles at no extra cost.