Huldra Forsvant (Theodor Kittelsen)

Huldra Forsvant (Theodor Kittelsen)
Huldra Forsvant (Theodor Kittelsen)

Monday, May 25, 2009

Choose Your Own Adventure

E and I were discussing last night what we would do today if we had the day to ourselves, to do whatever we wanted. This was my day--

-wake up at 7am, read in bed till 8
-walk to Croydon and have a big breakfast at a cafe
-catch a train in to town and trawl through second-hand comic shops until lunch time
-Large Big Mac meal
-more trawling through comics
-go and snooze in Hyde Park for an hour at afternoon tea with a take-away coffee
-go to the cinemas and watch a horror movie, preferably something Gothic and including ghosts and maybe a seance.
-go to JB-HIFI and buy Conan The Barbarian and Conan The Destroyer
-catch the bus home, and get beer and take-away Thai on the way. Green Curry Chicken.
-eat my Thai and drink my beer and watch Conan The Barbarian and Conan The Destroyer consecutively
-smoke a cigar and drink a cup of tea
-go to bed and fall asleep reading my second-hand comics.


What would your day look like, blow by blow?


Nathan said...

Here you go Ben, this post deserves a comment...

Sleep until 10ish.
Have a big home cooked breakfast (bacon, poached eggs, croissant, BBQ sauce, etc) with excellent Ethiopian coffee.
Go to the beach, find some shade.
Read a book. Drink a coffee.
Go home. Drink a coffee. Blog about the stupid stuff I spot in Google Reader.
Eat curry. Drink nice beer.
Watch a movie (preferably a C-grade kung fu movie or gangster movie). Drink hot chocolate.
Go to bed.

onlinesoph said...

oh, much more fun than work!

wake up at 6am without feeling tired.
Go for a walk by Cooks river, followed by a pilates class.
Eat banana bread with ricotta and a flat white made by Sam.
Read the bible, then my book for a good couple of hours - somewhere with a view.
Browse some markets before grabbing lunch at a cheapie thai restaurant
Unfurl massive piece of paper, grab some charcoals and draw with music playing in background
Finish in time to go to a growers market, pick up some fresh produce and cook some yummy food - maybe a tagine or roast with lots of fresh bread and a chocolate mousse for dessert.
Invite friends over, drink red wine and eat food and chat long into the night.

OR (if friends are unavailable) cook yummy food and watch a couple of episodes of Buffy.

beth said...

-wake up late, look at the time, roll back over and sleep some more.
-wake up again, read book for about an hour. (it's afternoon now)
-make a hideously large breakfast: eggs, bacon, potatoes, pancakes.
-contemplate nap after such a large breakfast.
-grab paper, sit on front porch
-contemplate another nap, read book in bed instead
-run a few errands, for the excuse of getting starbucks.
-grab takeout for dinner: anything
-day gets the better of me, nap wins.
-watch dvr or movie
-go to bed, read or watch DVD

ah, what a glorious day!

Ben McLaughlin said...

your days all sound pretty sweet

Stuart Heath said...