Huldra Forsvant (Theodor Kittelsen)

Huldra Forsvant (Theodor Kittelsen)
Huldra Forsvant (Theodor Kittelsen)

Wednesday, May 27, 2009


I heard a phrase that really makes sense to me-- Don't argue yourself out of conviction.

I am realising more and more how God puts things on my heart, through the Spirit, and for a reason. Not to brush them away and talk myself out of them.

Recently He put something on my heart, and I felt very convicted and pushed to do a certain thing. This scared the heck out of me, and for a week I prayed about it and tried to convince God it wasn't a real crash hot idea. It seemed crazy, and risky, and looked to me like it could all end terribly.

I put my well-thought out case before Him, and decided I had won the argument, and tried to move on. But He kept persisting, so eventually I threw my hands up and did it.

It was hard, and caused pain. It was a difficult thing to get through. But immediately I felt assured that it was a good thing, was the right thing, and now I am full of relief and thankfulness that God put that conviction on my heart. What was in danger of being damaged has been healed and strengthened.

Note to self: Don't argue with God. He knows better.


Anonymous said...

Thanks for this post. This is an immense encouragement.

Ben McLaughlin said...

thanks:) glad it was helpful

RodeoClown said...

I read it right when I had almost talked myself out of confessing something.


It feels so much better having that weight removed (I mean, I still need to deal with the consequences, but at least I don't have the pain of hiding it there now).

Ben McLaughlin said...

that's awesome