Huldra Forsvant (Theodor Kittelsen)

Huldra Forsvant (Theodor Kittelsen)
Huldra Forsvant (Theodor Kittelsen)

Monday, June 29, 2009

The Duck and The King Of Hearts

It baffles me how some things come into existence. Not even Darwin or Hawking could conjure up or explain the little doozie I saw today though. On the bus this morning we drove past a shop of some kind, and in the window was a woven rug, with a picture worked into it, sort of like a rug that you would hang up on your wall.

Now, there's no way that I'm going to be able to Google up an accompanying picture for this, so I'll just have to weave my magic and paint the picture for you with woidz. Okay, picture this--

The main character in this picture is what appears to be the king from a deck of playing cards. You know the guy; oldish with a grey beard, square shoulders, and a second, upside down head where his legs should rightfully be. Not too strange so far.

Now accompanying this character, is a female, sort of standing behind him, attending to him. She is kind of raunchy looking, holding a towel, and she's sporting sort of bedroomish eyes.

Okay, crunch time. This female character? She's a duck. And she's nude, and is showing a breast. We see a nipple.

To recap- A duck with boobs hanging out with the King of Hearts. Some ideas to ponder in your own time-

1. What the friggin heck?
2. Who weaves a seductive duck with boobs?
3. What sort of sick monarch is this so called King of Hearts?
4. You've hung this piece of art in you shop window? Prithee why, my dear?
5. What the friggin heck?


RodeoClown said...

1 - Um...
2 - Someone unaware of the basic differences between birds and mammals (hint: although birds can have breasts (mmmm, chicken), they don't have nipples)
3 - Well, for one, he has two heads, so something's not right from the very start.
4 - For the same reason people watch "My Best Friend's Wedding" - original sin.
5 - Um... I got nothing.

Bonnie said...

Ben, I hate to ruin your sweet innocence but if you look at the sign they're advertising "massages". It's not a shop.

Ben McLaughlin said...

True, Rodeo. Original sin indeed. I bet there were no nippled ducks in the garden of Eden.

You know Bonnie, I had my suspicions. But while this accounts for the king, the raunchy lady and the nipple, it does not account for THE DUCK.

Ali said...

I was just about to comment and say I've seen that king and that duck somewhere else, on some kind of massage place. It gives me cause to wonder exactly what kind of "massage" you get in there. It looks a bit too closed-up and spooky for my liking.