Huldra Forsvant (Theodor Kittelsen)

Huldra Forsvant (Theodor Kittelsen)
Huldra Forsvant (Theodor Kittelsen)

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Biding My Time

If and when we get a place with a backyard, I will resurrect a hobby/obsession that I had a few years back, that's been on the back burner.

Pretty much from out of nowhere in 2004, I became hardcore obsessed with Bonsai trees. I didn't have a lot of space, so my practical capabilities were limited, and I had ,um, varying degrees of success in keeping them alive.

But what obsessed me was the theory of it all. From time to time I would shell out for a new book, and I would pore over it, reading every last word and footnote about it, learning as much as I could about the different styles, and memorising all the different species of trees.

Then we moved to a place without a yard or balcony, and my enthusiasm quickly dried up. But it's just in hibernation, and when/if we get a backyard, the first thing I'll do is pull all my books out again.


Drew said...

I love bonsai. Or the idea of Bonsai. They just kinda sit there, after all.

Ben McLaughlin said...

Yeah, they do sit there.. but when you adjust to the slowness, it actually is really exciting in it's own way.

I remember I had a treasured Chinese Elm, and after being bare through winter, seeing the fast new growth flourish at the sart of spring was amazing. It could grow an inch in a day or two. Beautiful.

Drew said...

"when you adjust to the slowness"
