Huldra Forsvant (Theodor Kittelsen)

Huldra Forsvant (Theodor Kittelsen)
Huldra Forsvant (Theodor Kittelsen)

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Happiness Is A Red Frog

Bought a packet of red frogs yesterday, to be an occasional snack at work over the next week. Less than 24 hours later, I've pretty much single-handedly polished the packet off.

Not sure whether to feel proud, or ashamed of this achievement.


Pedro said...

Thats a lot of sugar mate. LOTS of sugar.

Ben McLaughlin said...

you're not whistling dixie there.. my hands are trembling and my eyeballs are shivering.

But in a good way.

Pedro said...

like a.....frog.

RodeoClown said...

I'm terrible at holding stuff in reserve for eating, by 10:45 this morning I'd eaten:

- an aldi breakfast bar
- and aldi "leSnak" thing
- two mint slice biscuits
- two peanut butter and honey sandwiches.

I only have an apple left to last me till I get home (7ish).

And I got in late this morning.

I sympathise with your loss of red frogs, but empathise with your lack of self-control in not eating them.

Ben McLaughlin said...

i laughed when I read that rodeo, that's just what I do.

I often think it would be civilized and relatively healthy to keep a big bag of mixed fruit and nuts at my desk. But whenever I try, the bag goes in a day. And my stomach hurts.

RodeoClown said...

You manage to get it to last a whole day?!?

Ben McLaughlin said...

occasionally. usually by the time i get to the last third of the packet, I more *drink* than eat the rest.

RodeoClown said...

Apple gone now :(