Huldra Forsvant (Theodor Kittelsen)

Huldra Forsvant (Theodor Kittelsen)
Huldra Forsvant (Theodor Kittelsen)

Tuesday, July 14, 2009


1.Peanut butter or honey
2.Your first memory
3.Two of your favourite songs of all time
4.A show you watched last night
5.A fictional character you'd like to be
6.If I was less self-conscious I'd wear..
7.Everybody gets excited about...but I don't get what all the fuss is about
8.Two smells you like
9.A saying you find annoying
10.The last thing you bought


Ben McLaughlin said...

1.Peanut butter or honey
2.Your first memory
3.Two of your favourite songs of all time
4.A show you watched last night
5.A fictional character you'd like to be
6.If I was less self-conscious I'd wear..
7.Everybody gets excited about...but I don't get what all the fuss is about
8.Two smells you like
9.A saying you find annoying
10.The last thing you bought

Pedro said...


1. Honey (both is gold)
2. Air coming under the lino on the floor of the flat we lived in, I was crawling around having a look
3. 'Rock with you' and 'Don't stop till ya get enough'...
4. Big bang Theory
5. Peter Parker
6. What I wore to work yesterday.
7. Jim Jarmusch
8. Cofee(fresh,ground) and Fresh surfboard wax
9. 'You know what i mean?'
10. Chicken and salad sandwich

Quite thought provoking that one brethra!
Keep em coming!

Nathan said...

1. PB all the way.
2. My second birthday party - though this may have been reinforced by watching home videos (subsequently taped over with an episode of Hey Hey Its Saturday).
3. Call me Al - Paul Simon, Plug In Baby - Muse.
4. Bones (recorded from Sunday), I would have watched Flight of the Conchords but my wife's not really a fan.
5. Michael Corleone
6. Speedos
7. The environment
8. Coffee, biscuits baking.
9. Appending "and things like that" at the end of sentences.
10. Milk and chocolate

RodeoClown said...

1. Both - on my two sandwiches, which I've already eaten :(
2. This will sound dumb, but I can't remember if my earliest memories are real, or from looking at photographs. I remember nap time at preschool though.
3. Dc Talk - Like it, Love it, Need it. Amazing Love.
4. Master Chef (I always read that as Master Chief and think it should be a Halo competition...)
5. Darth Vader
6. A moustache (no beard)
7. Having a mown lawn
8. Newborns. Lasagne.
9. "Fair shake of the sauce bottle"
10. Three meat pies and two wagon wheels

Ben McLaughlin said...

1.Peanut butter
2.vomiting on a plane
3.'Forever' by The Beach Boys,'Lovesong' by The Cure
4.Desperate Housewives
5.Conan the Barbarian
6.A brown velvet suit w/ matching top-hat
7.Harry Potter
8.Freshly mowed grass, musty old comics
9.'too easy'
10.flat white with one

RodeoClown said...

Ah - song just came on that I need to revise my entry to include:

Every New Day by Five Iron Frenzy

That song brings tears to my eyes every time.

sophg said...

1. Honey
2. Eating baked beans in the sunroom where we first lived when I was one
3. Hallways - Something for Kate, Lover You Should've Come Over - Jeff Buckley
4. Didn't watch any
5. Fanny in The Magical Faraway Tree heh
6. Dresses more often
7. Tv shows like Grey's Anatomy and Desperate Housewives. Anything vaguely soap opera.
8. Scotch Tape and books
9. no worries - and i say it all the tiem!
10. bbq chook, salad ingredients and yoghurt

beth said...

1. Peanut Butter
2. An ice storm, I was less than 3.
3. Pour Some Sugar On Me, Def Leppard, She Will Be Loved, Maroon 5.
4. Next Food Network Star
5. Elizabeth from Pride & Prejudice
6. A bathing suit
7. Seinfeld and Scrubs
8. Brewing coffee, rain
9. 'you know, whatever'
10. Decorative tin box

Christine said...

1. Peanut butter
2. Holding onto a fence for dear life, not wanting to be put in the paddle pool
3. Private Universe, Crowded House and too hard to choose another...
4. Heroes
5. Astro Boy (or his sister)
6. Boots ..everyday.. with anything
7. Twitter!
8. Petrol and bath salts
9. 'Let's just flesh that out a bit' and 'this document needs a bit of massaging'
10. Sewing kit

Georgina said...

Cool! Another quiz...

1. Peanut butter
2. Sticking a 2c coin into a fisher price car - it never came out and remains there to this day.
3. In Christ Alone and 9 Crimes (Damian Rice)
4. Desperate Housewives
5. Xena the Warrior Princess
6. More scarves
7. Seinfeld
8. Ferrets and popcorn (they smell quite similar actually)
9. "How are you" when the person doesn't actually want to know
10. Chicken and salad sandwich and juice for lunch

onlinesoph said...

1. Honey
2. Being fed soup by my grandmother in Jakarta, Indonesia
3. The Luckiest by Ben Folds - can't think of a second one!
4. Cantopop on Channel V (I'm in Vietnam at the moment - it was on cable in the hotel room).
5. Lizzie from P&P
6. Can't think of an answer to this. I wear whatever I want.
7. Biblical Womanhood
8. Lemons and stew cooking on the oven
9. Can you do me a favour? (only when it's said in the context of work!)
10. A really cheap but tasty bowl of beef pho at the markets down the road from where we're staying in Saigon.

maso said...

1. Honey
2. Hanging out round home as a little kid
3. "Brothers in Arms" by Dire Straits, and "For the Beauty of the Earth" by John Rutter
4. ABC News
5. Jason Bourne or Sam Seaborne
6. An expensive suit
7. Owning a house on a canal estate
8. The rainforest, and driving past a sugar mill
9. "like" when it's, like, randomly inserted into a sentence
10. A loaf of wholemeal bread