Huldra Forsvant (Theodor Kittelsen)

Huldra Forsvant (Theodor Kittelsen)
Huldra Forsvant (Theodor Kittelsen)

Saturday, August 1, 2009

Fish Curry

I just made a really nice Thai fish curry. I was really pleased with it. I found the recipe on the net, and it was one of those magical times when you pretty much have all the ingredients on the recipe, apart for a few things I changed or substituted.

You should give it a burl, it was good, and pretty quick. Nice to make it from scratch too, rather than using a curry paste from a jar.

How you like me now, Matt Preston.


Pedro said...

what range od spixces did you use BJ?
My mum gave me a pile of recipes and cooking the gear from scratch is sooo much better.

I would love to see the recipe. I'll swap ya a couple..

Ben McLaughlin said...

the link to the recipe is on the post.

the part that made it really nice was the home made paste, which was kafir lime leaves, garlic, ginger, cummin, coriander and fish sauce pretty much. All pounde up together in a paste, it tasted awesome, and gave the curry a really nice colour, sort of like a green curry from a shop. The lime leaves made a big difference.

Yeah, I'd love some of yr Mum's recipes..