Huldra Forsvant (Theodor Kittelsen)

Huldra Forsvant (Theodor Kittelsen)
Huldra Forsvant (Theodor Kittelsen)

Friday, August 28, 2009

Idol Banter

I missed the Tuesday show this week, but saw most of Wednesday's and last night's.

Last night was pretty dull, I thought, and Dicko's comment of 'tonight is the hardest group to pick' was really just a diplomatic way of saying none of them were that interesting.

Still, it was fun to see Marcia treading on some shaky ground with her 'but they were all black' comment. Oops. Quick, Marcia, dig upwards!

As for Wednesday, I really love that fella Scott, who did the Chris Brown song. He was way better than anyone else, and was a very likable guy. Everybody loves that little dark haired girl, but she's not doing it for me. All of the 'I am the queen of pain' stuff for me is all too much information. Just sing your song already.

So, my fav's are Stan and Scott.


Pedro said...

Its great how that kid is so surprised he's getting by. Scott that is. He's got a good voice but i like him cause he's humble...
That little woe is me girl is an actress mate. What more would you expect. Milk it honey, milk it.
Stan's in the box seat me thinks, and maybe the pretty blonde from last night...she can belt out the odd one as well....

Taken on a bit too much work so I keep missing stuff but we'll keep each other in the loop eh?

Ben McLaughlin said...

spot on. He nailed that song, but his expression after was 'I have no idea whether that was good or not' He just looked dumb-founded!

SamR said...

Yep, totally liking Scott right now - hoping he doesn't start well but peak too early.

I didn't mind the blond one on thursday who did the waking up in Vegas song - thought she rocked it. And even though dicko said girls would think she was predatory - every girl I spoke to at work yesterday loved her.

SamR said...
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