Huldra Forsvant (Theodor Kittelsen)

Huldra Forsvant (Theodor Kittelsen)
Huldra Forsvant (Theodor Kittelsen)

Monday, August 3, 2009

If You Quiz Them They Will Come

1.A guilty pleasure
2.A sound that comforts you
3.A boring question people always ask about your job
4.Three things you'd take to a desert island
5.An actor/actress you like
6.I really ought to..
7.How many blogs you look at regularly
8.Favourite flower
9.Something you're thankful for today
10.Condense into a paragraph your life so far.


Ben McLaughlin said...

1.A guilty pleasure
2.A sound that comforts you
3.A boring question people always ask about your job
4.Three things you'd take to a desert island
5.An actor/actress you like
6.I really ought to..
7.How many blogs you look at regularly
8.Favourite flower
9.Something you're thankful for today
10.Condense into a paragraph your life so far.

Pedro said...

good stuff....I am looking forward to these more and more...

1. Chocolate doughnuts...lots of 'em.
2. Kel's voice
3. "Can you do a caricature of me?"
4. Surfboard, wax and a knife
5. Jim Carrey
6. Buy a house
7. about 7 or 8
8. ummmm....
9. Clear skies
10. oops...lost me there!

Nathan said...

1. Going to bed late.
2. The sound of on a moist cupcake.
3. Is this consistent with the style guide...
4. My coffee set up (Coffee Machine, grinder, roaster and beans), The Internet, my iPhone... I'm not really getting into the spirit of roughing it there am I?
5. Brad Pitt.
6. Tuck my shirt in.
7. I subscribe to 343 - I probably "read" 20 of them regularly...
8. I'm a dude. Dude.
9. God's mercy.
10. Once upon a time in a land far far away, the home of mystics like Ben, a young boy was born (all boys are born young). He moved north. Along the way he accumulated salvation, possesions, and a wife. He has reached his geographic zenith - and will start migrating south again in 5 months.

Ben McLaughlin said...

1.buying thai for lunch at work
2.distant lawn mowers on a Saturday morning
3."oh, you work in animation.. i spose that's all on computers now, is it?"
4.a Bible,a knife and a flint thingy to make fire
5.Jake Gylenhaal
6.get surgery on my deviated septum so I can breathe out of more than one nostril
7.between 5 and 10
8.magnolia for looks, jasmine for smell
9.that i can work from home when i'm sick
10.Born in Sydney, 1977, youngest of four kids. Travelled around Australia a bit growing up, including a five year stint on Groote Eylandt. Settled in the Blue Mountains for angsty teen years, became a Chritian,and after school did a design degree. In 2000 moved to Sydney, where I joined a band, got a job, found a church and met my future wife. Moved out of home and married E at 24, in 2002. Bought a unit and had some kids. Started a blog and made quizzes.

RodeoClown said...

1 - Staying up till the early hours of the morning playing computer games.
2 - Kids breathing (means they are still alive! and not being loud!).
3 - What do you do? (I develop Operational Risk Management software... excited yet?)
4 - My family (I'm counting them as a single thing) and a functioning satellite phone for when I get sick of my holiday.
5 - Edward James Olmos.
6 - get some more sleep.
7 - Google Reader has 213 listed, but I think only 180 of them are regularly updated...
8 - Sunflowers and Gerberas
9 - Sour lollies from the Phillipines
10 - I was born. Learnt to read. Went to school. Lost all my friends. Read lots of books. Went out with Jen. Broke up with Jen. Went to uni. Married Jen. Had kids. Got awesome. Started reading Ben's blog. (I think that's about it for the highlights).

Ben McLaughlin said...

'got awesome'. heh!

Nathan said...

So Ben, Tigers play the Eagles tonight. I'll expect a contrite acknowledgment of my vicarious superiority tomorrow...

onlinesoph said...

1. The tasty stuffing you get inside a BBQ chook.
2. Rain falling on rooftops
3. Oh you're a journalist. You must like writing, huh?
4. A bible, a notebook and pen (I'm cheating, but counting them as one thing) and a mobile phone with global reception. The bible and notebook is just to pass time while the rescue squad is on its way.
5. So many! Toni Collette
6. apply for that job I've told everyone I applied for
7. About 7 or 8?
8. Peonies
9. This quiz. And oregano.
10. Born to a minister. Raised a Christian. Got bored after school and delved into all things left-wing and feminist. Met Sam. Knew we would get married on the first date (so did he). Waited two years to make that a reality. Renounced feminism. Started blog. Now on a path towards an unpredictable life!

Simone R. said...

1. checking my site meter
2. cool down songs at gym
3. anything about how busy I must be
4. pen, paper, bible
5. ?
6. clean the bathroom
7. 15
8. jasmin
9. the resurrection of the dead
10. born 75. 2nd child of 3 with all the normal middle child issues, Xn age 13, BA (music/eng), Dip Ed, taught, BTh Yr1, 3 babies. love friends and thinking about things.

maso said...

Ah ... Monday quiz...

1. Maccas breaky on a Saturday
2. The ABC radio news theme music
3. After I tell them I'm a town planner ... "Ah, so you draw streets, then?"
4. Food, and a couple of mates.
5. Matt Damon
6. Go cook dinner.
7. Six
8. A flower you say ... hmm ...
9. Good health! (I'm assuming that "Jesus" goes without saying)
10. Born in 1978, Mackay NQ. Rode my bike around the cul-de-sac outside our house about a million times, and was afraid of all the things in the ocean that were out to kill me. Learnt to play the bassoon and the piano, and to reverse parallel park really, really, really well. Off to uni in Brisbane, and decided that Jesus would be running the show from then on. Didn't die from Leukaemia at age 20 to 21 (wohoo!). Now living it up enjoying friends, God, and trying to get good at surfing.

Georgina said...

1. Doing these quizzes!
2. The sound of my ferret breathing when I think they could be dead.
3. So do you teach? (because the only people that work at universities are teachers)
4. My ferret, my other ferret and my swimming costume
5. Reese Witherspoon
6. I really ought to lose weight, but yet I keep eating
7. (via reader) about 20
8. Gardenia
9. Caramel, date and pecan ice cream
10. Born in South Africa, started school in USA, changed schools 7 times, parents separated and got divorced, got abused, ran away, lived with Dad, did the HSC. Got multiple scholarships, went to uni, became a Christian, dropped out of uni, worked, worked at uni, finished undergrad, did masters while working, did certificate IV in training (got scholarship), stayed Christian, went to work at another uni. Still Christian. Nobody has ever dated me.

Georgina said...

1. Doing these quizzes!
2. The sound of my ferret breathing when I think they could be dead.
3. So do you teach? (because the only people that work at universities are teachers)
4. My ferret, my other ferret and my swimming costume
5. Reese Witherspoon
6. I really ought to lose weight, but yet I keep eating
7. (via reader) about 20
8. Gardenia
9. Caramel, date and pecan ice cream
10. Born in South Africa, started school in USA, changed schools 7 times, parents separated and got divorced, got abused, ran away, lived with Dad, did the HSC. Got multiple scholarships, went to uni, became a Christian, dropped out of uni, worked, worked at uni, finished undergrad, did masters while working, did certificate IV in training (got scholarship), stayed Christian, went to work at another uni. Still Christian. Nobody has ever dated me.

soph said...
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soph said...

1. Coffee, too often
2. Rain
3. So what do you actually do?
4. bible, electricity (hah) and a rug
5. Abi Cornish
6. Stop biting my fingernails
7. Subscribe to 77, read most each week
8. Poppy or something crazy like a lotus pod
9. That we have law and order in Australia
10. Got born on the north side, went to school where I worked hard for no good reason, became obsessed with music, wanted to be a journalist so studied journalism, became a christian, moved out of home to Leichhardt, became a journo, moved to Orange, read the news, came back when to do MTS, and here I am.

Nathan said...

So umm, ouch. One point. Humble pie for me...

beth said...

1. Starbucks coffee
2. Rain
3. I don't have a job
4. Laptop, boyfriend, alcohol
5. Kevin Costner
6. Exercise more
7. 4-5
8. Peonies
9. I'm registered for school and have my books.
10. Born, school, worked, lost job, back in school, still single, no kids.

Laetitia :-) said...

1.Eating two pieces of cake.
2.My husband's voice.
3.You're an engineer? / What's it like to be a female engineer? / So you pull apart engines, eh?
4.Fresh water, an equipped boat, fishing gear
5.Will Smith
6.Finish my UFOs
7.Not a clue - there's about 40 on my Reader list but less than half would update even at least once a week - but others make up for them.
8.Azaleas; anything I'm actively growing, particularly if they lead to edible fruit.
9.I have warm clothes.
10.Born Brisbane over 35 years ago to Christian parents; absorbed Christianity rather than converting. Did very well at school; did not so well at uni but made life-long friends in the refec crowd and various Christian groups. Since 1996 I've had a dozen addresses across 5 towns in 3 countries. Now in Mackay and involved in church, work, business, doing a Dip of Accounting and big band - that order is not indicative of relative time spent on those activities.