Huldra Forsvant (Theodor Kittelsen)

Huldra Forsvant (Theodor Kittelsen)
Huldra Forsvant (Theodor Kittelsen)

Monday, August 24, 2009

We Shall Quiz On The Beaches. We Shall Quiz On The Landing Grounds

1. Plain or chicken salt
2. Your eye colour
3. An achievement you are proud of
4. City or country
5. On first impressions I probably seem...
6. But if you get to know me...
7. An interesting thing happening this week
8. Do you have a blog 'reader', or browse 'manually'?
9. Dinner last night
10. Something you can be thankful for today


Ben McLaughlin said...

1. Plain or chicken salt
2. Your eye colour
3. An achievement you are proud of
4. City or country
5. On first impressions I probably seem...
6. But if you get to know me...
7. An interesting thing happening this week
8. Do you have a blog 'reader', or browse 'manually'?
9. Dinner last night
10. Something you can be thankful for today

Pedro said...

Ahhh...benno, a reliable pleasure.

1. Plain
2. Brown
3. Winning the 1998 Formula Xtreme privateer title
4. country
5. loud
6. I'm compensating for other stuff
7. test riding a new bike
8. a semi-organised list. yours at the top of course!
9. rice with eggs, tomato and ham.
10. good mates.

onlinesoph said...

1. plain (I like sea salt)
2. brown
3. driving a manual car
4. city
5. quite nice
6. I'm still quite nice, but with some dark streaks
7. I'm buying a new pair of jeans (my only pair ripped on the weekend)
8. manually
9. Ham and pea soup from the freezer. So easy to make. Throw a ham hock, dried split peas, potatoes, carrots, onions and a couple of bay leaf in the slow cooker. Skim fat off periodically. When done, remove hock and chop ham. Blend soup (if desired, I just mash it with a potato masher so its still nice and lumpy). Put ham back in with fat removed. season with salt and pepper. Yum.
10. the Engage weekend. A chance to refocus my life with Gospel lens.

onlinesoph said...

forgot to mention, obviously add water to the soup ingredients before turning the slow cooker on!

goldy said...

OK I give in, I'll take your quiz....

1. Plain or chicken salt - chicken, except on popcorn
2. Your eye colour - brown
3. An achievement you are proud of - memorising the method of solving the ribiks cube
4. City or country - big country towns like Brisbane
5. On first impressions I probably seem... quiet
6. But if you get to know me... I do talk but I like to listen and take it all in.
7. An interesting thing happening this week - acupuncture treatment.
8. Do you have a blog 'reader', or browse 'manually'? - I use a reader to tell me about updates and then go to the real site for the real experience.
9. Dinner last night - trout fillet and salad
10. Something you can be thankful for today - being able to eat

Nathan said...

1. Chicken.
2. Brown.
3. My team's previous indoor soccer triumphs.
4. Both, a bit. Townsville is almost perfect. A country city.
5. That I'm loud.
6. You'd be pretty accurate. But I'm also funny.
7. Indoor Soccer Grand Final tonight
8. Both. I really am a fence sitter today. Google Reader isn't fast enough, there's a bit of a delay. So I come here in the mornings and check out a few regular haunts.
9. Toasted sandwiches.
10. Toasted sandwiches.

I just noticed my answers to 5 and 6 are pretty close to Pedro's.

Ben McLaughlin said...

2.Green, but sort of brown nearer the middle
3.Making the step to do something about my stutter
5.Shy, or quiet. Not confident
6.I'm not quiet, or shy and am fairly confident
7.Meeting RodeoClown face to face for lunch on Wednesday. My first out of bloggy experience.
9.A frozen chicken pie
10.That God can work bad things to good ends.

beth said...

1. Plain
2. Brown
3. Going back to school at 3?
4. Country
5. Cold
6. Funny and loyal friend
7. School starts!!
8. Manually
9. Homemade lasagna
10. Life

emfolle said...

1. Chicken salt. mmm MSG
2. Blue/grey
3. Fixed spinning wheel and am spinning own wool!
4. Country
5. Relaxed
6. I'm usually worrying about something inane.
7. Baby won't let me out of his sight. Interesting and annoying new development.
8. Manual
9. Pesto Pasta
10. Powerful cleaning products and sufficient shelf space.

RodeoClown said...

1. Chicken (duh!)
2. Blue
3. Got honours at uni
4. Country I guess...
5. Awesome
6. Still awesome
7. Meeting Ben on Wed (like he said)
8. Reader (Nathan - did you know if you click "subscriptions" it does a refresh and gets all the new items?)
9. Home made pizza with salami, camembert, corn and cheddar (no mozzarella :( )
10. That I'm nearly not sick!

Ruth said...

1. chicken salt
2. blue
3. marrying Andrew
4. city
5. preoccupied
6. I'm preoccupied for a reason
7. a quiet week - rare in this houeshold
8. I don't know what that means! I have a sidebar I use from my blog.... does that mean I browse manually?
9. chilli meatballs
10. getting home with sick kids before the rain started

Ruth said...

Hey Michelle - I want to know how to solve the rubiks cube - I spent half an hour trying to solve one at my in laws the other day (only to completely fail!)... any hints you could spare?

Simone R. said...

1. plain
2. green
3. not fatiguing in body pump this morning - back track +20kg.
4. city
5. strangely enthusiastic
6. I'm still the same
7. I'm teaching dance all day Wednesday. It's very much a case of 'If you can't x, teach.'
8. manually
9. banana sandwich
10. 2 hours of non-contact time in a 6 hour work day

soph said...

1. chicken salt
2. blue
3. losing weight
4. country
5. reasonably confident, maybe even aloof
6. not so confident, friendly
7. sending off a poem
8. reader
9. sang choy bow
10. God's faithfulness

Laetitia :-) said...

1. Plain or chicken salt - depends on the dish but usually plain.
2. Your eye colour - like Ben green / brown - greener in bright light or if I've been crying.
3. An achievement you are proud of - I managed to pass my first ever music exam!!! It was last Tuesday and I got the results at my lesson tonight. I honestly thought I was going to fail - stage fright's a bummer. Oh, Trinity Level 4 Saxophone (practical) if anyone's interested. :-)
4. City or country - like Nathan, both but I'd choose Toowoomba (although Townsville is nice too in the dry season).
5. On first impressions I probably seem... - reserved
6. But if you get to know me... - I probably come across as opinionated and voluble.
7. An interesting thing happening this week - dinner with a bunch of ladies I haven't seen in about 6 months.
8. Do you have a blog 'reader', or browse 'manually'? - Google Reader and go to the actual blog to post comments / see pictures if they aren't sent to Reader.
9. Dinner last night - nutty pilaf
10. Something you can be thankful for today - did I mention that I passed my music exam. :-)

David Ould said...

right, let's see...

1. On chips, definitely chicken salt.
2. A sort of muddy brown/grey
3. Getting through Moore College and learning a lot doing my project.
4. City
5. Arrogant
6.'ll discover that I'm amazingly introverted.
7. got an email from someone I'd not heard from in years
8. reader - FeedDemon
9. roast chicken and salad.
10. My wife and kids.

maso said...

ah ... ever reliable Monday quiz...

1. plain
2. blue
3. success in my job, I spose
4. country
5. reserved, nice
6. loud (well, sometimes), conscientious, with a quirky sense of humour
7. waiting for my first nephew to be born
8. manually
9. beef musaman curry
10. It was 32 degrees! In August! Wohoo!

kristina said...

1. What's Chicken Salt?
2. Dark Brown.
3. Graduated from college.
4. I am moving from a city to a small town next month. We'll see.
5. Quiet.
6. Not so quiet.
7. Not yet.
8. Manually.
9. Beer Cheese soup in a bread bowl.
10. It's still summer. No snow.

Ben McLaughlin said...

Well, here goes..

Pedro- I'm thankful for that too. I like yr honesty in 5 and 6.

onlinesoph- jeans are a big deal. I hate hearing of people who have ten pairs. I envy and curse them in their haughty arrogance. I wear three pairs, dislike two and tolerate one. And thanks for the recipe!

goldy- thanks for succumbing to the quiz. You won't regret it. Actually, who knows, you well may..
I never got the rubiks cube, though I was a master at the rubiks link the link one. 12 seconds. Top percentile worldwide.

Nathan- Did you win mate? Or at least get a red card or run about with your shirt pulled over your head?

Beth- I'm assuming there is a typo and you didn't go to school at age 3. Or maybe you did. who am I to question genius?

em- you are like, sooo domestic these days with all this cleaning product talk. I hope you have also switched to floral frocks (try saying that 3 times quickly) and an apron.

I'm taking a toilet break. This returned-comments thing is time consuming.

Ben McLaughlin said...

RodeoClown- I admire your claims to awesomeness, though you've set the bar high for our first meeting. You better live up to it, or else I'll eat my sandwich elsewhere.

Ruth- yeah, you're manual. You know those reader things where you subcribe or something and people's posts just magically appear for you or something? I don't know about it, but that's what I gather. Hope you get a bit of time out in the quieter week. And with the Rubiks, I find swapping the stickers around helps a fair bit.

Simone- yeah, I would have guessed you would be enthusiastic from reading yr posts. And I would love to be a fly on the wall in your dance class..

sophg- wow, where are you sending the poem to? That's cool. Yum- I love a good sang shoy bow. It's very fun to say as well.

Laetitia- nice to know someone else with green and brown eyes. Good job on passing yr exam.

David- hi, and thanks for stopping by. Your ansers to 5 and 6 are interesting. Funny how those two things work together.

Maso- where is it 32 degrees? Are you in NSW? All the best with the imminent arrival.. that's exciting.

Kristina- I thought I was deprived having never seen snow. But now I must feel great sympathy for you, who has never seen chicken salt. Basicly, when chickens jog a lot, they sweat. Scienticts catch this sweat, and do experiments to change it from liquid to crystals. then you put it on your chips. Oops, I mean 'fries'.

RodeoClown said...

Awesomosity is a purely subjective thing. If you don't see it straight away, you may need to just give it a while.

It'll come eventually :)

Laetitia :-) said...

Kristina - you may know it as "Seasoned salt".

Actually, it's possible to get chicken salt that doesn't have chicken extract in it; but because most does (particularly in Australia & NZ) I generally ask for plain salt.

According to wikipedia it was invented by Australian chef Neddy Winter.

Ben McLaughlin said...

yeah, good ol' Neddy. What pray tell does chicken salt without chicken extract have in it to make it chickenesque?

maso said...

Ben, I'm in Brisbane. It was still 28 degrees at 9pm last night. 31 today. I love summer.

Laetitia :-) said...

Generally just other spices and herbs (note that chicken salt is not chicken flavouring). It's possible to get vegan stock (Massell) that has a variety of "animal" flavours (beef, chicken...) but we just go for the one that tastes of vegetables.

Ben McLaughlin said...

No offense, Laetitia, but I don't really get the concept of 'I don't like eating animals, but I want it to taste kinda like animals'. That seems weird to me.

goldy said...

Ruth, the cube is all about using different algorithms to get to various stages. It involves a lot of rote learning if you want to do it off by heart. Just google simple rubiks cube solutions and all sorts of methods will come up.

Laetitia :-) said...

No offence taken Ben. That's part of the reason why we didn't like the "animal" version of the stock - we actually didn't like the flavour. (I should note here that I still eat honey, seafood and eggs so I'm not technically vegetarian and, because he eats honey, my husband is technically not vegan but most of our cooking is vegan.)

And while it does seem odd I guess it helps to keep in mind that (a) half the flavourings you think you're eating, you aren't - you're eating 'synthetic' equivalents - the chemical is the same but it's origin is different and (b) for vegan "animal" stock, it's a set of herbs and spices that happens to remind people of the flavour of various other dishes so they give it a particular label; that way others will have some idea what to expect.

In my case I haven't knowingly eaten chicken or beef for about 8.5 years so I no longer really know what they taste like; I just know that certain flavour combinations remind me of them. Perhaps it's a bit like certain smells remind you of certain places even though you're somewhere different.

Ben McLaughlin said...

goldy, you are obviously very mathmatical and scientific, very much like myself.

Wow, Laetitia, i never knew vegans didn't eat honey. That is very hard core. Does honey have any other purpose besides eating? I mean, if not used by humans? I guess your leaving more for the bears...

As you can see, my heavily scientific mind is working hard again.

Laetitia :-) said...

Hehehe - God designed honey to be eaten by bees when other food sources are scarce or in cold weather - basically any other animal (including ourselves) that eats it is raiding the bees' pantry. Most bee-keepers encourage overproduction of honey so they can raid the hives without killing their bees.

Not eating honey is not really all that hard-core. A hard-core vegan will not use camera film (hooray for digital photography) because of the gelatine base, nor will they wear leather. Some will stipulate that their sugar has to be vegan in process not just end product (the purification process in some mills uses animal bone char to remove colour and other impurities) and some will not use certain brands of tyres for their cars due to the potential for the stearic acid component to come from animal sources (apparently Michelin uses a plant source).

For the record, apart from honey, my husband is a dietary vegan as all other animal products make him ill.

Ben McLaughlin said...

wow. I'd be afraid to step outside my door for fearing of breaking some kind of vegan law.

Now, I don't want to get into a big thing, because I am mostly ignorant about all this, and don't want to just go off criticising. But can I just ask one question? It is probably a very dullard sort of question but i'm curious.

What would a Christian vegan perspective be on say, God giving the Isrealites a land flowing with milk and honey? Surely this means God gives these things as a provision, rather than as say, only for baby cows to drink, or only bees to eat when they run out of other food?

onlinesoph said...

have to say, I thought exactly the same thing as you ben.

With respect to people's food choices, I reckon God made bees to create honey for us to eat (part of the whole Genesis garden of eden thing).

Laetitia :-) said...

Originally God gave human beings every seed-bearing plant for food (Gen 1:29). So milk was for baby animals and honey would have been for bees.

Later, after the flood, God gave permission for humans to eat other animals. There were probably less varieties of safe seed-bearing plants around right after the flood. It is interesting to note that it is at this time (when God gave humans permission to eat animals - Gen 9:3) that the fear and dread of man entered animals (Gen 9:2) - prior to this man and animals had co-existed quite happily because we didn't eat them.

At no time has it been a command for humans generally to eat other animals (I'm highlighting the distinction between a general command for all and specific instances such as Peter being told to "kill and eat").

Because it's a permission, not a command, I don't view a person's choice to eat or not eat certain things as a moral issue (although, due to some farming and business practices it may be an ethical one); that is, unless it violates various NT instructions about food sacrificed to idols and conscience.

A "land flowing with milk and honey" is a description that the land is fertile and suitable for both animal husbandry (milk) and crop growing (bees - honey) not that these are God's ultimate best desire or design for our diet.

The other thing to note is that the consumption of these products is cultural. There is no reason for an animal that has been weaned to drink the milk from another species other than cultural practice.

onlinesoph said...

Interesting thoughts, Laetitia. I still don't think I agree, but respect your choices - like you, I don't think its a moral issue and there is freedom in the Lord.

Nathan said...

Did Jesus eat meat? He certainly ate fish. Does fish count as meat?

I'm curious.

This little quiz has taken an interesting little turn.

goldy said...

you eat humans?

RodeoClown said...

Well, symbolically at communion I guess...

I just like the quote :)

Ben McLaughlin said...

i'm looking forward to our lunch together tomorrow just that little bit more, now that you've owned up to eating manflesh.

Laetitia :-) said...

Hi RodeoClown,

I agree - fish is meat. I still eat it, which is why I don't classify myself as vegetarian even though most of my diet is vegan.

When caterers want to classify me as vegetarian I usually go along with it as it means they won't try to feed me chicken or beef or...but I usually have to highlight NO dairy - it can be easier for them to classify me as vegan.

And yes, with passages such as John 6:53 - 58 you can see why some people get the wrong idea. :-)

Nathan said...

Laetitia - I'm curious, are you a vegetarian by necessity (because of allergies) or by principle?

Ben McLaughlin said...

I've put up a post about veganism if you want to continue this discussion there..

Georgina said...

I just want to answer the quiz - I know I'm late... I'm on hols.

1. Plain
2. Greyish green
3. Jumping off a swing 135m high and swinging through a canyon yesterday!
4. Neither - between.
5. Loud
6. I'm not always loud.
7. See 3. Plus Milford Sound today. Plus NZ in general (I'm on hols).
8. Blog reader
9. Blue cod with mash and salad in Queenstown NZ
10. Surviving the drive to Milford Sound and back.

Laetitia :-) said...

Hi Nathan,
I'm not actually vegetarian as I still eat seafood. I'll answer the question as to "why" more fully via Ben's other post on veganism but it may not be tonight as I need to go to bed soon.

Chris L said...

1. Chicken
2. brown
3. building a front fence at our place
4. both
5. like i lack a sense of humour
6. you'll realise it's true... ok joking.
7. i went and heard a historian on DDay. it was great.
8. reader
9. Indoensian curry with a friend
10. Seeing good friends care for others.

Ben McLaughlin said...

Georgina- Good job on the jump! I wouldn't do that in a pink fit. Enjoy your holiday.

Chris- I'd feel proud of a fence too. Nice.