Huldra Forsvant (Theodor Kittelsen)

Huldra Forsvant (Theodor Kittelsen)
Huldra Forsvant (Theodor Kittelsen)

Monday, October 12, 2009

One Quiz To Rule Them All, One Quiz To Find Them

1. Favorite childhood toy
2. First DVD you owned
3. Something you crave
4. What shoes are you wearing
5. Last music you listened to
6. Number of Aussie states/territories you've been to
7. Gelato flavour of choice
8. What are you reading in the Bible
9. Something good happening this week
10. Three words to describe how you'd like people to see you


Simone R. said...

1. C64 computer
2. Wiggles
3. a self-cleaning house (and a monday quiz)
4. none
5. Song we were working on earlier in the year. Trying to work out if it has a future.
6. 4 (Qld, NSW, ACT, Vic)
7. Blah.
8. revelation
9. Meeting a blogging friend today for the first time.
10. Gracious, fun, knowable.

onlinesoph said...

1. can't remember what they're called, but they were dolls that turned into cupcakes when you flipped the skirt around
2. the free one that came with the player
3. a dishwasher
4. black suede steve madden flats
5. Triple M on the radio
6. 6
7. nutty flavours, like pistachio
8. Psalms and 1 Samuel
9. making hainan chicken rice tonight
10. a genuine follower of Jesus

Mark said...

1. Edward Bear - (so called because that was Winnie-the-Pooh's "formal" name) (but go the C64 Simone! Did you have the cassette & disk drive?)
2. Can't remember
3. Caffeine
4. Black Leather work shoes
5. Il Divo's Ancore(?) CD, after Shrek 1 soundtrack
6. 5 - add NT to Simone's list
7. What's Gelato?
8. Ouch Ben, Why did you have to ask that. Right now, nothing specific - we're between study series, honest!
9. Birthdays
10. with OnlineSoph on this - follower of Jesus

Pedro said...

1. my pushbike
2. Surf DVD
3. chocolate doughnuts
4. None
5. George Clinton
6. 5
7. Chocolate
8. -
9. Surfing lots
10. Positive, driven, generous

Ben McLaughlin said...

1. Micro Machines
2. A Boris Karloff 3 pack for $7
3. Red frogs
4. brown Dr Martens
5. Don't Break The Oath- Mercyful Fate
7. Rum and raisin
8. Ephesians, Leviticus (still..)
9. Toastmasters tomorrow
10. Genuine,loyal,dependable

Christine said...

1. Popple
2. No idea
3. Chocolate
4. Sandler 'Gina' open toe heels
5. Triple J was playing 'Accidently Kelly Street' on the radio on the way to work.
6. 5 (Qld, NSW, Vic, WA, ACT)
7. Rum & Raisin
8. Luke
9. Inspiring People events
10. Genuine, trustworthy, Follower-of-Jesus

maso said...

1. My push bike
2. can’t remember … The Bourne Identity or The Italian job maybe??
3. More time at the coast to (try to) surf
4. Brown leather Colorado lace-ups (work shoes)
5. Whatever was playing on Triple M when I drove to work this morning
6. Six … Qld, NSW, ACT, Vic, Tas, WA
7. Do they do chocolate? I don't really eat gelato...
8. Isaiah and Matthew 5 - 7
9. Helping a mate build a deck on Saturday
10. friendly, competent, godly

maso said...

P.S. Simone ... I see your Commodore 64 ... and raise you that we had a Dick Smith Wizard computer (the C64's predecessor)...

Georgina said...

1. Probably my doll Jenny
2. ??? Hmmm, perhaps 10 things I hate about you?
3. A new job!
4. Sneakers - walked home most of the way - just took them off
5. Kate Miller-Heidke's new CD
6. 5 (not NT, WA or SA yet)
7. Lemon
8. Hosea today
9. Church weekend away (though I'll miss the **ferrets**)
10. Kind, honest and straight forward

Georgina said...

Hi Ben, We had a Dick Smith too! With weird buttons?

Simone R. said...

maso - cool machine! Our C64 was probably a cut above yours. It had a disc drive rather than a tape thingy. We had neat games like Impossible Mission and Back to the Future.

If you put the disc in mid morning, the game had usually loaded by lunch time. Great training in planning ahead.

We also had a program called GEOS which was like a prehistoric windows.

lu said...

1. Merlin
2. can't remember - probably something by Disney for the kids
3. chocolate
4. barefoot
5. Christian radio station
6. none
7. probably chocolate
8. I Samuel - study of David
9. everyone in my house will become healthy?
10. strong, intelligent, compassionate

Ben McLaughlin said...

Simone- Wow an out of blog experience. They are exciting and scary. Hope it was good.

Soph- Yum I'd like to try that chicken. I don't remember those toys, but it reminds me of a toy I had called a 'popple'.

Mark- You don't know gelato? It's good stuff. I'm not sure how it differs from ice cream, but somehow it does.

Pedro- Mate, I'd definately agree with those three things you said about yourself. That's you all over.

Christine- Hey you mentioned a popple! Glad I wasn't the only one with one ofthose. And you said rum and raisin too. Kindred spirit!

Maso- I'm sensing a general blase attitude in these comments towards gelato. This hurts. Oh yeah, I'd definitely put my bike up there as a fav childhood toy aswell. Oh the adventures we had, my bike and me.

Georgina- That was maso talking about the computer.. I have no idea about such things! I'm curious, who looks after your ferrets while your away? Must they resort to hunting and gathering?

Lu- I hope your number 9 answer comes true. what kind of toy was 'Merlin'?

Mark said...


"No, No, No....
Mission Accomplished, congratulations."

Nathan said...

1. A giant GI Joe.
2. I think Black Books series 1... but I'm not sure.
3. Coffee.
4. White and brown shoes of some description branded "Olympus". They were $20. I don't have high hopes for them.
5. An iTunes genius playlist based on the song "Everything in its right place" by Radiohead.
6. 4.
7. Turkish delight.
8. I'm preaching on the Lords Prayer in a couple of weeks so I'm reading Matthew and Luke.
9. I'm in and out of the office on a photoshoot. It's been fun so far.
10. genuine, faithful, interesting

Amy said...

1. Derwent pencils
2. Really have no idea. Buffy probably.
3. A good night's sleep
4. Red ballet flats
5. My sister Rick-Rolled me... (not good)
6. 4
7. Grapefruit
8. Isiah and Psalms
9. On holidays!
10. Creative, caring, honest

Amy said...

@onlinesoph - I loved those cupcake dolls too - they smelt like Jaffas as well. Can't find them anywhere now, so looks like my nieces miss out...

Laetitia :-) said...

1. Favorite childhood toy - tough choice but maybe Golly - a gollywog - very un-PC I know.
2. First DVD you owned - not a clue; now if you'd asked about CDs...
3. Something you crave - a house of my own where I can have pets and bang picture hooks into walls with impunity
4. What shoes are you wearing - barfuss
5. Last music you listened to - my saxophone playing at my music lesson
6. Number of Aussie states/territories you've been to - 4 (I think): Qld, NSW, Vic, Tas.
7. Gelato flavour of choice - Probably a berry or passionfruit
8. What are you reading in the Bible - erm, bits of Psalms & Proverbs
9. Something good happening this week - time to answer Ben's Monday quiz [suck, suck]; time to play sax; singing with other Christ worshippers...
10. Three words to describe how you'd like people to see you - wise, gracious, patient

Simone R. said...

@ Mark.

He he he! I remember it well.

Watch this:

Chris L said...

1. a bionic man (the 6 million dollar man)
2. prob something like finding nemo
3. holiday at the beach
4. joggers
5. mozart piano sonatas
6. not NT or WA
7. macadamia
8. luke
9. birthday lunch with a colleague
10. steadfast, relaxed, enjoyable

soph said...

1. My teddies who I had tea with
2. Not sure
3. Coffee, regularly
4. Barefeet
5. Paul Dempsey's solo album
7. Hazelnut
8. Proverbs and James
9. Introducing God tomorrow night
10. Genuine, loving and Jesus-follower

Georgina said...

Hi Ben, My flatmate looks in when I'm not around. Ferrets are the easiest pet - they need cleaning out the litter tray every few days and then you can leave their food and water out. So they're simple to care for.
And if she's away, then I pay one of my friends who actually like my ferrets to come around once a day to check on them.

Georgina said...

Hi Ben, My flatmate looks in when I'm not around. Ferrets are the easiest pet - they need cleaning out the litter tray every few days and then you can leave their food and water out. So they're simple to care for.
And if she's away, then I pay one of my friends who actually like my ferrets to come around once a day to check on them.

Ben McLaughlin said...

Nathan- Nothing like shoes made by a camera company.

I don't have an ipod. What's a genius playlist- sounds cool..

Amy- Oh yeah, my precious tin of Derwents.. Me too! Nobody could touch them. I was so careful with them that I sharpened them with a blade, because I thought a sharpener would waste them! O.C.D...

Laetitia- Yeah I craved the freedom to bang in nails, but found that when we got our unit it just became another thing to procrastinate over! It took several years to finally put up a couple of hooks.

Chris L- Oh man, I had that awesome six million dllar man too! He was a hand me down, so was a bit busted. But I remember the little eye you could look through and the opening/closing hand. Also I had the evil one, where you could replace the faces and stuff. So good.

Sophg- E likes Paul Dempsey. She liked Something For Kate more I think though. I have an issue with his voice though, and can't really take him. To each his own!

Georgina-'Ferrets are the easiest pet - they need cleaning out the litter tray every few days'

Not easy enough for me! Any pet that requires I handle their, um, waste, is in my too hard basket!

Nathan said...


I'm so with you on Paul Dempsey's voice.


I see your measly Dick Smith wizard and raise it a Vic 20.

My dad literally wrote the book on Vic 20s. It was then plagiarised by the computer editor of the SMH and a sideline career in computer game reviewing was born in lieu of a lawsuit.

Ruth said...

1. doll called 'Alice' - threw her out just before 'E' was born.... oops!

2. can't remember

3. chocolate

4. bear feet

5. disney music in the car this morning

6. four - NSW, Vic, Qld, and ACT... but only NSW & ACT as an adult.

7. hazlenut

8. Judges and Matthew

9. We took all the kids to see 'Up' today; the boys are being taken out to do fun things and be photographed for a magazine tomorrow, and we're going on a weekend away this weekend - a lot of things to look forward to

10. kind, loving and sincere/truthful.

Georgina said...

Ben says: "Not easy enough for me! Any pet that requires I handle their, um, waste, is in my too hard basket"

I say, um, nappies? Hello? :p

Georgina said...

Ben says: "Not easy enough for me! Any pet that requires I handle their, um, waste, is in my too hard basket"

I say, um, nappies? Hello? :p

Amy said...

@Ben - On Derwents...

Must be an arty thing. At least you used yours to sharpen them - I currently have about 8 tins of the different types which I am too OCD to actually use (defile?) in any way...

Ben McLaughlin said...

Ruth- It's a shame that you parted with Alice. I guess you figured all those boys weren't realy appreciating her! E kept a doll called Trixie (who looks suspiciously to me like Chucky) that little e has apprehended. Gotta say, Trixie could do with a wash..

Georgina- That's a fair point! But if they weren't my offspring I would not set foot near a dirty nappy.

Amy- Heh, that's funny. After all these years mine are pretty much untouched as well. I dread the day when my kids will ask to use them. Imagine with what reckless abandon they would handle them. Heartbreaking.

Georgina said...

Hi Ben,
Yes indeed. I do love my ferrets though! Not as much as a child, but there is love there :)

Ruth said...

Ha - I just realised I wrote 'bear feet' - I meant bare feet!

Yeah, AB thought Alice has past her prime as far as dolls look..perhaps it was the haircut I gave her when I was a girl... but I had to - she had split ends!

Ben McLaughlin said...

I liked the mental picture 'bear feet' conjured!

Yeah, I gave my soft toy dog a haircut once, with a razor. I was saddened when it didn't grow back. He was never quite the same..