Huldra Forsvant (Theodor Kittelsen)

Huldra Forsvant (Theodor Kittelsen)
Huldra Forsvant (Theodor Kittelsen)

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Show & Tell #4- My Illustrious Football Career

I didn't really play much sport as a kid, but I cherish this photograph because it gives the impression that I actually did. That's me on the far left.

It was taken after 'my' rugby union team lost the grand final, up in Darwin, circa 1986. Actually, I was only there because my friend Taylor Kadiba (back row, fifth from left) was in the team, and asked me to come along a few times. I played about three games, and touched the ball maybe twice. When I did, I probably dropped it, or threw it over the sideline for no apparent reason.

But, oh, the swelling pride of wearing that striped jersey and being counted as part of the photographed grand final team... What I wouldn't give to still have that jersey today.

If you have a picture of something you like, something you made, or whatever, email it, along with a paragraph or two about it, to me at bmclaughlin/at/sstar/dot/com/dot/au (without the slashes and with actual dots and stuff).


Guruminga said...

Well aint' the internet funny! I was watching Sea Patrol tonight and saw a guy that reminded me of Taylor Kadiba. I left Darwin in 2000 (left Nungalinya in about 1996-7) and decided to try Googling his name. Sure enough this blog came up. I had to have a double take when I saw your name. Ben, we've met a couple of times. I think my family followed in your family's footsteps in the Territory. I think the last time I saw you was at my cousin Nathan and Rosie's wedding. Hope all is well with you mate. Richard Haynes.

Ben McLaughlin said...

Hey Richard!

The internet is indeed a funny thing! It's weird how you stumble across old aquantainces this way. I remember you and the few times we met. My two strongest memories are from around '86 or '87 when my family came down to Sydney for a holiday. I think you came to visit where we were staying in Yagoona. I remember us playing hide and seek with a Star Wars figurine. I also remember going to your place, and sliding down a staircase on a matteress. Heh!

I didn't realise you knew the Kadiba's. I had a great time playing around the college with Taylor and Aiva, they were good guys. I wonder what they're up to these days...

Hope you and your family are well mate.

Guruminga said...

Ha Ha, good old days, eh? Yeah, I knew them well. Aiva and I were best mates for a number of years. Havn't seen him for a while though. I'm friends with him on facebook. So we tend to make a passing comment every now and then. He's married with a little girl. Taylor's also married. I was talking to mum tonight and she said they caught up with John and Karen Kadiba for coffee the other day. John's pretty much retired and Karen still works as a nurse.