Huldra Forsvant (Theodor Kittelsen)

Huldra Forsvant (Theodor Kittelsen)
Huldra Forsvant (Theodor Kittelsen)

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Discrepencies In The Obsessively Compulsed*

This morning a woman got on the train, took a bit of newspaper out of her bag, placed it carefully on the seat, placed herself even more carefully on top of the paper, making sure to avoid all seat-to-bottom contact. She then took out a hairnet, and carefully placed that over her head.

Now organised, she looked sideways at the woman sitting beside her with a look that said "I'd say you were the most putrid, germ-infested thing I have ever seen. If you so much as brush past me, I will probably be dead by the time I reach Emergency".

The other woman looked sideways back at her, with an expression that said "what the hell are you sideways-looking at, shower cap head?"

But anyway, the point of this post is that Mrs Clean then proceeded to lean on, and hold tightly the metal pole, seemingly without a second thought. It occurred to me that this would be like having to wear knee-length gum boots to use the urinal, but then resting your hands on the trough.

*Is 'compulsed' a word? If not, can we make it that it is?


Stuart Heath said...

Will 'compelled' do?

Ben McLaughlin said...

I considered it, but it sounds too positive.

I like the '..pulsed' bit, because it's like 'repulsed'.

You can be compelled towards good or bad. Compulsed should be just for the bad.

Stuart Heath said...

Ha! I hadn't thought of 'repulsed'. Interesting that we got both derivations in the verb forms — 'repulse' and 'repel'. But not so with other prefixes — 'impulse'/'impel' or 'compulsion'/'compel'.

Ben McLaughlin said...

I knew you'd see that I was on to something good here. I'm not just a pretty face, you know.

Tracy said...

You certainly see some interesting people on your train.

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