Huldra Forsvant (Theodor Kittelsen)

Huldra Forsvant (Theodor Kittelsen)
Huldra Forsvant (Theodor Kittelsen)

Monday, December 7, 2009

The Quiz

1. I have no sympathy for..
2. Are you happy with your signature?
3. Percentage-wise, how far along is your Christmas shopping?
4. A TV show you could watch an entire series of, marathon-style
5. A lesson you've had to learn this year


Ben McLaughlin said...

1. I have no sympathy for..
2. Are you happy with your signature?
3. Percentage-wise, how far along is your Christmas shopping?
4. A TV show you could watch an entire series of, marathon-style
5. A lesson you've had to learn this year

Simone R. said...

1. people who cancel commitments because their child coughed once last night.
2. guess so
3. Easy. 0%
4. Firefly
5. That others hate doing things on the run and I need to make a real effort not only to be organised but also to appear organised to others.

Ben McLaughlin said...

1. People who have accidents while racing cars. No one asked you to drive at a billion miles an hour.
2. No, it's rubbish. I wish I could change it. Can you change it?? Is it too late?
4. Survivor
5. To try and deal with my short temper, and learn patience. Especially with the kids.

Georgina said...

1. I have no sympathy for people who complain but do nothing about it.
2. Totally. It's lovely and loopy and I worked on it for ages :)
3. 75%?
4. Scrubs!
5. You can't trust people who work for you. They will stab you in the back and make your life a living hell.

Pedro said...

1. Heroin addicts
2. Not really but its never the same anyway...
3. 0%
4. Arrested development
5. Don't take ANYTHING for granted

Nathan said...

1. Slow walking smokers in public places.
2. Not at all happy. I made it up in grade 2, I could never be bothered changing it.
3. 0%.
4. The West Wing
5. Things coming out of the oven are usually hot.

onlinesoph said...

1. People who think it's funny to get blind drunk at office parties. GRRR.
2. Yes
3. 0%
4. Buffy the Vampire Slayer
5. You don't have to like someone to love them.

emfolle said...

1. Speeding P platers (red or green)
2. Still maiden name because its quicker!
3. 98%
4. Battlestar Galactica (new)
5. You can't control everything so just let it go and don't worry about things that haven't happened yet.

Priscilla said...

1. bullies

2. yes. I have nice handwriting...if I do say so myself.

3. Maybe 30%

4. none. I can't watch any TV for hours on end. Too much TV gives me a headache after awhile.

5. Having just lost my father to cancer suddenly...I would have to say, don't take your loved ones for granted. Visit them every chance you get. Hug them while you can.

Amy said...

1. Smokers, people who aim to get drunk, people who complain and complain and complain but never do anything about it...
2. Not at all. Too late now I suppose (once you've signed mortgage documents it's all over!)
3. 75% I think. Depending on if stuff actually arrives from overseas in time... Why oh why do I have such a big family?
4. Chuck. Pushing Daisies.
5. Learning over and over: that life is what happens to you while you are trying to get yourself together.

Milika said...

1. the finanical struggles of owning the 3rd car, 2nd house and annual Europe trips
2. it's fast, yep
3. 95%
4. Angel with siblings next week
5. No is worth saying.

maso said...

1. people with hangovers
2. nup. No matter how slow I plan to do it nothing past the intials is even remotely legible
3. 95%
4. The West Wing
5. It's worth paying a bit extra upfront for a decent lawn mower ... so that it lasts more than 12 months :(

Wendy said...

1. People who complain they have no money but have lots of 'toys', two jobs and continue to smoke and drink.
2. Not really.
3.100% (are you jealous?)
4.Don't know many but maybe ER or The West Wing.
5. That I'm not as bad a mum as I thought I was.

Laetitia :-) said...

1. I have no sympathy for..people who are victims of nothing more than their own lack of boundaries (myself included)
2. Are you happy with your signature? - sort of - had it doing nicely then married and added another 9 characters - should have just followed Ian example and kept the old signature (6 character surname).
3. Percentage-wise, how far along is your Christmas shopping? - 0% or 100% depending on your view point - only bother every other year and then send charity cards.
4. A TV show you could watch an entire series of, marathon-style - Inspector Morse
5. A lesson you've had to learn this year - going to bed before midnight is good for me (still learning this one).

Tim said...

1. People who can't keep their word.
2. No
3. 10%
4. Firefly (also)
5. Never say yes to something without thinking about it first.

beth said...

1. People who blame others for the problems they created

2. Yes, and when I look back at something I signed almost 20 yrs ago, I'm amazed it hasn't hardly changed.

3. 100%

4. McLeod's Daughters, Friends, Will & Grace....Mash, too many to list!!!

5. Budgeting...not having a job is a real eye opener to making what little money coming in work.

Ben McLaughlin said...

Simone-I'm paranoid about becoming one of those parents, so tend to go too far the other way instead..

Georgina-Yeah, I have no sympathy for them either. And they expect you to listen to them gasbag on about it to.

Pedro- Arrested Development rocks. I need to see it again. Apparently they were doing a movie or something..

Nathan- I've learnt that lesson the past week or two, buring myself about ten times for no apparent reason. No, a tea towel is not an oven mit.

Soph- Yeah that's a great thing to learn. It changes your perspective and attitude so much. Hard, though!

Em- I guess that final 2% must be your gift for me. I'm waiting expectantly by the mail box as we speak.

Priscilla- Welcome! Really sorry to hear about the loss of your Dad.

Amy- So the mortgage doc. is the signature cut-off? Rats. I hate mine. I really tried hard to have a good one, but it's crapola.

Milika-Hmm, 'no is worth saying'. I'm intrigued..

Maso- Grr. Curse modern technology and it's pathetically short lifespan. I won a sweet tele and it blew up after a year- and a week beyond the warranty.

Wendy- Yes, I am jelous. But it's not nice to be so boastful, you know.

Laetitia- I really like your first answer, that's a really interesting way of looking at it.

Tim- welcome! Your 1 and 5 are kind of related.. people who say yes too quickly then rethink and pike.

Beth-I'm envious of you and your signature-pride. Mine looks like four people have signed their signature over the top of each other. Just a black squiggly, impenetrable mess.

Laetitia :-) said...

I'm a big fan of the Cloud & Townsend "Boundaries" books.

Amy said...

Yep - mortgage doc is the end of the signature line I think. I had to sign some other loan documents recently and tried to make it a little better looking and they sent it back to me to resign because it didn't look enough like the old one.

I think there is a call for some sort of deed-poll signature document that can then be shown to banks to reset it all!

Ben McLaughlin said...

What I resent, is that the 18 year old me, the flippant, (more)self-absorbed teenager doesn't care about such things as good signatures.

He gives no second thought to 32 year old me. He just recklessly makes up some garbage in five seconds, and then every me hereafter is left to suffer the consequences.

Moral: Teenagers suck.

Laetitia :-) said...

I developed my sig for my maiden name in grade 5 and am happy enough with it. It's the "Mortimer" bit at the end that gets me - I get lost with how many spikes for the "imer" I've written (Is that an "n" or an "m" in there?). If I'm signing a credit card receipt and I slow down to count the spikes I worry that they might think I'm forging it! :-)

As for changing signatures and names, when we first married we had no trouble changing our details on our driver's licences, Medicare cards and our regular bank.

However, Ian had a credit card with a different bank that didn't want to accept the marriage certificate as proof of change of name as he is male (if it had been my account it would have been no problem). They wanted deed poll evidence from the Registrar of Births, Deaths and Marriages, despite the fact that as far as BD&M are concerned all that's required is a marriage certificate.

We pointed out that what they wanted amounted to sexual discrimination and closed the account. He got a phone call a few days later from the manager apologising and "offering" him the account back (as if they were doing him a favour!) Needless to say, he didn't reopen an account with them.

kristina said...

1. Rich people.
2. I like my signature - it is sharp and angular.
3. I have no money for gifts. Sorry.
4. I have been watching back to back episodes of "Lost".
5. A good attitude goes further than I thought.