Huldra Forsvant (Theodor Kittelsen)

Huldra Forsvant (Theodor Kittelsen)
Huldra Forsvant (Theodor Kittelsen)

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

When Business Is Slow

I saw something a little while ago, and it made me immensely happy, and I've been meaning to post about it but keep forgetting. I hope it brings you the joy that it has brought me.

So, nearish my work is this men's hairdressers place, very blokey, with lame 'hard rock' always playing, lots of car and Ralph magazines, and stuff like that, and about five young male hairdressers.

Anyways, often I walk by, and they're all sitting around talking about V8's and chicks, because business is a bit slow. That kind of brings me a little joy in itself.

But far more great and fantastic than that, was this one special afternoon when I walked by. Let me paint the glorious picture that I saw:

The head honcho owner guy is in the chair himself, his head draped back over the basin, hair lathered with shampoo, and eyes closed in cathartic pleasure. Around him are the other lads, one is doing the lathering, gently massaging his mate's scalp. Another guy stands by with a brush. Another has a towel over his arm, patiently waiting to fulfill his own special role.

Ahhh. More bromance than you can poke a stick at. I just think that's so great and hilarious, and just calling it to mind can cheer me up in an instant.

How did this occur? How did the conversation turn from "Fwooor, did you see her?" and "Check out this sick carburetor" to "So guys, how about totally giving me a good old fashioned pampering"?


Sarah said...

Truly heart-warming! We all need a bit of pampering from time to time don't we?

Drew said...
