So, you're walking to work this morning, and you walk by a man taking a big crate-load of fruit in to a cafe. He's about ten metres away, about to enter the cafe, when you walk behind his van, and notice a stray kiwi fruit has come dislodged and rolled into the gutter. It's a cleanish gutter, but a gutter nonetheless.
Do you-
A) Shout 'hey mister! You dropped a kiwi fruit!' and run the misplaced fruit in to him, opening yourself up to a 50% chance of either vague gratitude or vague ridicule.
B) Ignore this chance occurrence, and continue on your way. The fruit's in the gutter, after all, what are you gonna do?
C) Be spiteful and angsty, and kick the kiwi fruit or squash it under-foot, just because you can, so ner.
D) Loiter discreetly while the man enters said cafe, then casually bend down and put the gutterfruit into your bag, then continue on your way, whistling innocently.
E) Get to your desk, and enjoy the spoils.
F) Get to your desk and feel a pang of guilt, and so instead leave it in the common kitchen for some lucky unsuspecting third party to enjoy without guilt, but with possible gutter material.
Are you collating all these so that in a few years you're going to have an awesome personality profile of everyone who comments on your blog?
No offence, but you're wasting a perfectly good piece of fruit there, Stuart.
PS- no, but that's a good idea..
By the way, I was D, hovered around F, but then came back to E.
A or G - Put said fruit back in the van (since it's often open as the fruit guy generally has more than one load to carry).
Sorry, but D to F are stealing if the van is still there. Only after it has left is it "finders keepers".
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