Huldra Forsvant (Theodor Kittelsen)

Huldra Forsvant (Theodor Kittelsen)
Huldra Forsvant (Theodor Kittelsen)

Monday, May 10, 2010

The Book Dumpster

I was both horrified and excited this morning, when walking to the station I came across a massive dumpster full of old books. Horrified at the thought of books going to the tip, and excited at stumbling upon such a treasure trove.

They were mostly related to Christian stuff, including commentaries and things like that. Also a lot of philosophy stuff, mathematics stuff and some Shakespeare and other plays. The top layer was a bit wet from the nights' dew, but mostly everything was in pretty good condition.

As I stood by this rubbish dumpster with passers-by giving me strange looks, I amassed arm-fulls of stuff to take. But then I contemplated holding these arm-fulls on the train. And I also heard E's voice in my head: 'we're trying to get rid of stuff, not get more stuff'.


So I put them all back, and just took two- a couple of William Barclay commentaries. It hurt, because I could've pretty much gotten the whole set.

Man. Who throws books in a dumpster?


Pedro said...

People whose other halves tell them "we're trying to get rid of stuff, not get more stuff"...

onlinesoph said...

that is awful!

I would have done the same thing.

Wendy said...

I agree, there are better places to put theological books you don't want anymore - like bible college libraries.

Beth said...

That's terrible!! Whoever made the decision to do that should be flogged!! If it had been me, I would have totally skipped work and tried to take as many as possible. Two words...garage sale.

Ali said...

Yeah, what ever happened to Lifeline book fair, or Vinnies. This person seriously couldn't be bothered. Criminal - is all I've got to say!

Don't tell me where the dumpster is or I will be around there in the middle of night marauding through it ...

Nathan said...

Please tell me you at least looked for Jacob Aranza gold?