Huldra Forsvant (Theodor Kittelsen)

Huldra Forsvant (Theodor Kittelsen)
Huldra Forsvant (Theodor Kittelsen)

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Church and Community Group

One of the hardest things about moving is going to be leaving our church behind. We will miss people a lot. It's takes a while to feel part of things and build relationships at a church.

It can be a hard slog at first, and you have to put in some hard yards. After six years, it feels like home to me, and it'll be hard to leave it.

For me, the distillation of church has been our community group which has met at our place one night a week for two and a half years. We had our final night last night, and it was really quite emotional. It hit home that we were going, and I felt pretty sad about it all. It's been an awesome group, and we've all established a really close bond.

We had a good night though. We ate, we drank, we laughed, we cried, we prayed, we bashed out a few songs. 'Never Alone' was the last song we sang together, and it felt appropriate and right. It all came to a close on a really good note.


peter y said...

bummer. do you know which church you'll go to in the shire yet?

Ben McLaughlin said...

No, not yet mate. Will probably just try out a few and then decide. I'm pretty keen for somewhere not too massive.