Huldra Forsvant (Theodor Kittelsen)

Huldra Forsvant (Theodor Kittelsen)
Huldra Forsvant (Theodor Kittelsen)

Thursday, August 26, 2010


I don't want to be simplistic, but there are men, and there are men.

Reading these two stories side by side this morning made me think about this, and about the different legacies these two guys leave.

And the two different impressions left on these two grieving wives.


Steve said...

Yeah- men are men... but these are the only examples of 'men' that we get to see in the media as a rule apart from celebs and politicians. "Man mows lawn" and Man hugs his kids" don't sell TV time or magazines.

The real issue is that some of us measure ourselves against the people we get presented with on the tellybox when these 'men' are not the norm nor the moral guardians that the papers would have you believe.

Tiger- good golf baller, crap husband... in the end the only people that should give a damn are the parasites that need the $$ he earns to make a living (his publicists, hangers on, the media etc). So the guy got super rich, a big head and couldn't keep the other head in his pants... well boo hoo. His wife will need to console herself with her share of the billions- if she had no idea that any of his shinanigans were going on then I'm afraid she must be as dumb as dirt.
I feel sorry for his kids here... none of the grown ups have anything to cry about.

Soldier dies in Afghanistan... he's a soldier, in a warzone. There are going to be casualties. While it is sad for his family (and they won't have the millions that Tiger's family will get- unfortunately) the simple facts are that he was facing the potential of dying every day. I won't go on a rant about involvement in the war, right or wrong, but I am searching for a reason why we, as a nation, are still involved when we have our own internal social issues and closer foreign threats than a desert mountain range 11000km away.

Both these stories, and they are just that, are vaunted above much more important, and less hyperbolic, news items because they draw the most normal viewers, readers and listeners in.

Voyeurism sells... it's morally degenerative, but it sells. Shame.

"Man watches wife take bins down the side of house... waiting fro wife to shout at him."

That just in.

Ben McLaughlin said...

Gday mate,

Thanks for the comment. I actually agree with most that.

One thing that irks me with what you said though, is that none of the adults have anything to complain about. And also it seems like a pretty big assumption to call Wood's wife dumb. We certainly can't just conclude she must have known about his cheating. On what basis?

I think she has plenty to complain about. And also, the idea that she and the kids will have to console themselves with his millions? Well, no matter how big the sum, I'd call that a tiny consellation. Money's just money.

Steve said...
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Steve said...

Hey Benno,

This one caught my eye..

Well...sure, big call on Woodsie's ex being of low IQ, but... They had been together since the age of 16 and she suspected nothing? Mate- I can't fart before asking my wife first. She must have either suspected along the way or known outright to have exploded the way she did with a four iron to the bonce.
I'm not alone in suspecting that Tige's rendesvouz with other ladies was something that was always bubbling along in the BG of their marriage- the elephant in the room.
I'm not supposing, either, that money can ever replace love and domestic harmony- I was using it as a stark contrast example as to how Mrs dead soldier will have the opposite situation to cope with, visa vis $$$.
The main point of my rant, in essence, is that it's all none of our business, really, and just a sycophantic money grab by publicists and the media in general.
Remuneration and compensation for soldier's widows and divorcees of pop star golfers is a private and delicate matter for the people involved and doesn't deserve to be made public domain.

The losers are definitely the families left behind.

My heart only bleeds for them because the idiot box told me it should.

The saddest thing in all of this is the lives of anonymous innocents lost in Afghanistan, Iraq, Africa... etc that we never hear about. Objective news please- or are our attention spans and minds so addicted to colour and movement that... oohh Macdonalds....

Ben McLaughlin said...

Heh. Only an animation guy would drop the abbreviation 'BG' in a conversation.

Yes, I totally agree with all your thoughts on news and how unobjetive it is, and also about how these peoples' lives aren't really our business. Agree, agree, agree.

My original thought was more just comparing these two guys, and how their wives will remember them very differently, and how they are both in grief, but in very different ways. It was more a subjective compare and contrast.

One last thing I'd say about Mrs Woods is that, yeah sure if you do something your wife knows about it. But this bloke is a super-celeb bloke who is probably off galavanting around on his own half the year. Meetings with 'agents' and 'sponsors', tournaments etc etc. It is more concievable that such a bloke could lead more of a double life than John Normal who divides his time between pretty much only work and home.

onlinesoph said...

agreed. There are men and there are *men*.

The world needs more of the latter.

Steve said...

Men, amen.