Huldra Forsvant (Theodor Kittelsen)

Huldra Forsvant (Theodor Kittelsen)
Huldra Forsvant (Theodor Kittelsen)

Friday, August 27, 2010

Some Exciting News

Well, we got a rental place!

It has turned out so well too. we were pretty much resigned to accepting this other offer, for a house that was kinda dark and dingy, and right beside the train tracks. Then at the last minute, we snagged the one that was our first choice. It is really great, and I feel so grateful of God's provision and plan for my family.

It's a big place, with a gigantic, rambling yard, and in a nice quiet little suburb near the bush and the water. So, we are stoked. I actually haven't been inside, but E checked it out. I am bit-champing to have a squiz.

We get the keys Monday week, and move in that Wednesday. Yay!


Pedro said...

STOKED bro. Thats awesome. Let me know if you want someone to go mower shopping with!!
Whats the 'burb?

Ben McLaughlin said...

Thanks bro- I'll email you a link

Christine said...

awesome Ben!

Amy said...

Many thumbs up! (Or, at least my 2 anyway)

Laetitia :-) said...


Remind me why you sold and have joined us plebs in the rental market?

Ruth said...

I'm so glad - was praying about it. .... was it the place near us?? (cause actually I was praying about that more than the other houses you were looking at!!)

Ben McLaughlin said...

Thanks Christine and Amy!

Laetitia- Just planning to rent for 6 months while we decide whether to commit to the area, and find a place to buy

Ruth- Thanks for praying! Well, not the one closest to you, but the second closest. The suburb right next door:)

Ruth said...

Cool - that's great. I'll sms E our new addy so you guys can come and visit soon.