Huldra Forsvant (Theodor Kittelsen)

Huldra Forsvant (Theodor Kittelsen)
Huldra Forsvant (Theodor Kittelsen)

Monday, September 20, 2010

The Quiz

1. I'm mildly embarrassed to admit that..
2. I wish I could set aside a whole day to just..
3. Something you want to do today
4. Something you want to avoid today
5. Three things that will define 2010 for you when you look back


Ben McLaughlin said...

1. I'm mildly embarrassed to admit that..
2. I wish I could set aside a whole day to just..
3. Something you want to do today
4. Something you want to avoid today
5. Three things that will define 2010 for you when you look back

Pedro said...

1. I wanted to be a dancer when I finished school.
2. Shape surfboards
3. Surf
4. Work (ahem)
5. The birth of my son.

Ben McLaughlin said...

1. I'm wearing my year 12 school jumper today at work.
2. Potter around the back yard. Pull weeds, build steps, plant veggies.
3. A lot of work, with a good attitude
4. Having a bad attitude
5. Moving to the dirty south, getting started on a project a decade in the making, and umm... not sure. Life with two kids, I guess.

Wendy said...

1. I'm a classically trained pianist who struggles to play chords.
2. Read
3. Get the presentation I've created via the internet to the people who need it in Australia.
4. Conflict with my children.
5. Transition from Australia to Japan for our third term.

Steve said...

1: I'm mildly embarrassed to admit that, too! 2: Relax 3: Stop working 4: Worrying 5: Animation industry slump, my wife getting very ill, recovering and then ending up back in the workplace and seeing the knife's edge democratic election of a female Prime Minister...

onlinesoph said...

1. I am on a diet (I don't know why, but somehow saying you're on a diet seems embarassing!)
2. read.
3. make low fat self saucing chocolate pudding
4. the washing.
5. Moving to Newtown. Investing lots into church. The birth of our son.

Georgina said...

1. I love having ferrets sleep in my room with me.
2. I wish I could set aside a whole day to just dive.
3. Something I want to do today - seeing as it's almost 11pm, all I want to do now is sleep.
4. I want to avoid not being able to get to sleep.
5. Horrible work situation, suicide of my cousin and learning how to dive better in Vanuatu.

Ruth said...

1. I'm scared of cats.
2. be with my husband
3. make a nice dinner for my family
4. losing my temper
5. moving to our new house, what an incredibly hard year our first child with special needs has had, and that God is always good, and is very kind to us even in the midst of such sadness and hardship we've seen this year.

maso said...

1. I'm not actually that good at surfing
2. go to the coast
3. go for a run after work
4. stressing about work
5. Trip to USA & Canada, my sister & family moved to Canberra ... and Collingwood losing next weekend's AFL Grand Final (here's hoping)

KIM said...

1. Have dirty kleenex on the floor.
2. Have a huge party with lots of friends on the beach!
3. Have a tea (or hot chocolate? or both?) at that little cafe up in Palm Beach.
4. Do we have to talk about that?
5. Too close to call ... we'll see what's what when we get there ...

Laetitia :-) said...

1. I'm mildly embarrassed to admit that..I have no idea what to put for this question at 11:20pm.
2. I wish I could set aside a whole day to just.. catch up on blogs, photos, quilt... too many activities.
3. Something you want to do today - remembers two weeks ago - see wildflowers
4. Something you want to avoid today - damaging a hire car (we didn't BTW)
5. Three things that will define 2010 for you when you look back - returning to the Brisbane area and starting my current job; Grandma dying; our trip to WA followed immediately by a family reunion.