Huldra Forsvant (Theodor Kittelsen)

Huldra Forsvant (Theodor Kittelsen)
Huldra Forsvant (Theodor Kittelsen)

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Speech Diary

Been a while since I posted a speech diary thing. I have been in a bit of a slump, and the past week or two feel like the worst my speech has been for months. Feels pretty crappy. A lot of stuttering, and no control.

The confidence just seems to have evaporated, and I guess that coupled with lots of other hectic stuff going on, my speech has been on the slide. I wish I could just rewind two weeks, and do all those conversations over again.

Anyway, no point in dwelling on the past. Today needs to be a back to basics day. I did a lot of practice this morning, prayed about it, and am determined to really try hard to turn things around again.


Nathan said...

Keep on truckin' Ben.

"Anyway, no point in dwelling on the past. Today needs to be a back to basics day. I did a lot of practice this morning, prayed about it, and am determined to really try hard to turn things around again."

That's such a great approach to everything. Praying it works out for you in this instance.

Ben McLaughlin said...

Thanks a lot, brother, I really appreciate that.

Kutz said...
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Kutz said...

Adding my prayers too, Ben. Thanks for sharing this bit of your life. It encourages me.

Something that Doug Green said that helped me was about how 'mastery' was one of the things us humans did before the fall. But post-fall, it's so hard!

He also said that if we're going to work at it, then self is the first battleground.

The upshot of this is that from my distant vantage point it looks like your determination and discipline in working on speech like you do is (as Doug would say it) the 'being truly human' that we all ought to be striving for.

Go hard, bro. And thanks for the inspiration.

Georgina said...

Yep - fantastic work. Your perseverance makes me want to persevere to try and get my weight under control => a very hard and long battle is being fought, and sometimes I just let it all slide. At least tonight I made it to the gym. Go us!

Ben McLaughlin said...

Hey Kutz, thanks a lot for your kind words mate, and for the invaluable prayers. You're so right about mastery being HARD!

Georgina- Yeah, go us:) Thanks for the encouragement. I guess really my speech battle works on the same principal as pretty much every other battle we all face in trying to overcome something.